Dare to Dream


"Dare to Dream" podcast, with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers cutting-edge conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, channeling, healing, UFO's, paranormal and extraterrestrials. For 16 years Debbi has hosted this award-winning podcast. Join Debbi on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger Debbi is a Book Writing coach, so you pen and publish an engaging book. Her company launches your book to a guaranteed international bestselling status & it’s fully-done-for-the-author, plus she is the best coach for how to be Interviewed on podcast shows for big results. 👉 Get your free media visibility gift and start now: https://debbidachinger.com/gift



Cinemafuge is an entertainment provider fueled by passionate content providers striving to bring something-fun filled, exciting and original to people of all ages and different perspectives. Taylor, Founder of Cinemafuge, wanted to form a team of family and friends that share in the passions of media and that strive to “enrich” the viewers mundane routine. If you are looking for an active community that will be bringing to the table nuclear entertainment such as: short films of all genres, gaming videos, comedy podcasts, music videos, original soundtracks, workout tips, clay creation tutorials, reviews and much more, then this is the community you have been searching for! We are working Hard to get our YouTube channel off the ground; however, we will be keeping you up to date via social media and soon to come website, so make sure to subscribe, follow and get connected! Leave us comments with any suggestions you may have. Thank you for your interest in this project. -Team Cinemafuge

The Real Ascended Masters Teachings


Spiritualism Australia Limited, is a not-for-Profit Public Charity dedicated to educating mankind about the reality of the survival of mind and consciousness beyond the death of the brain. We provide the ancient Teachings of Higher Spiritualism which came from the Elders of our Race, the Immortals through the most scientifically tested proven and documented physical phenomena Medium of all time; Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart (1936 -1999). Join our Spiritual Family in the Teaching Halls of higher Spiritualism.

The Word of God through Jesus Christ TV Network


Raw & UNcut Bible Teaching for every person's Spiritual Life and Practical Life...NOT SURFACE TEACHING! The Broadcasts are from The Word of God,TJC,S&O TV Productions,and includes many different guests in The 5-Fold Ministry. You can share Love Offerings to help us as we focus on Street & Outreach Ministry Missions. Our CASH APP link is: $TheWordofGodTJCSOMin God Bless you,and to view The Ministry's website,click on: https://thewordofgodtjcsoministrytheologicaltrainingcenter.weebly.com/ for 24 hour prayer,call: (475) 300-3850,24 hours ©copyright 2022 THE WORD OF GOD,THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, STREET & OUTREACH MINISTRY**++ALL RIGHTS RESERVED++ #FOLLOWTHEHOLYGHOSTANDNOTMAN #READTHEBIBLEBECAUSETHETRUTHISINTHERE #THE5FOLDSPIRITUALAVENGERSOFTHEHOLYGHOST #MODERNDAYAPOSTLEALLENECOLEMANJR (475)300-3850**Incorporated in CO,CT,IN,NC,SC,MS,TN,TX,WI** https://thewordofgodtjcsoministrytheologicaltrainingcenter.weebly.com/ ~PLEASE EXCUSE ANY AND ALL TYPOS THAT YOU SEE IN THIS DOCUMENT~