

Introducing "The Danger Close Alpha Podcast" – a gripping podcast set in a fictional dystopian world of 2084. Join us as we dive into a society divided between blind followers and daring Seekers, all in the backdrop of a reality where truth is a long-forgotten concept. In this immersive series, we explore the gripping tale of a world suffocated by power and control. Cancel culture runs rampant, personal freedoms are extinct, and a once-vibrant society has been reduced to mere followers and leaders. "The Fold," a group that seemingly possesses everything, has given up their personal freedoms in exchange for convenience and security. DANGER CLOSE ALPHA… JOIN THE MOVEMENT…. GET ON BOARD… EDUCATE YOURSELVES AND RESIST BEING A PART OF THE FOLD… BE A SEEKER…. QUESTION EVERYTHING, TRUST NOTHING!



Academia Brasileira de Gnose (ABRAGNOSE) é uma instituição educacional sem fins lucrativos que apóia a Igreja Gnóstica do Brasil (IGB) em sua missão de difusão da gnose samaeliana e do gnosticismo. Em nosso site você vai encontrar uma enorme quantidade de informações relacionadas conhecimento iniciático gnóstico, livros, e-books, vídeos. Além disso você poderá acompanhar nossa agenda de eventos, e participar de nossos cursos e seminários.

The Lost Boys


Welcome to "The Lost Boys Podcast," the podcast that's as informative as it is hilarious. If you're a man looking for witty banter, insightful discussions, and valuable tips, then look no further. Our dynamic duo of hosts will guide you through the trials and tribulations of modern masculinity with their signature brand of humor and expertise. From grooming tips to relationship advice, and backyard bullshit, we've got you covered. So sit back, crack open a cold one, and join us for some debochery..

My Weight Loss Quest: Reuben Christopher Haynes - The Journey of a Loser to a Winner! Verified


My name is Reuben Christopher Haynes, I am nobody. I am everybody. I love the Universe and the Earth! I feel young and eager for adventures! However, I now realize that I must use my mind to begin to not only speak, but I need to sing my SONG OF LOVE! I am still have Myasthenia Gravis (MG), Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and Motor neurone disease (MND) I AM A FIGHTER! Yet, I need your help... Medical Donations PayPal: @myconjecture Venmo: Reuben-C-Haynes My Weight Loss Quest: MThe Journey of a Loser to a Winner! Remember, I am THE VILLAIN! I will use my mind and vast intellect to dismantle have the courage to stand alone against the Global Cognitive Dissonance. I will now challenge anyone and everyone to prove me wrong and then and only then we can all work together to stop from America committing suicide. Yet, I am still a man more than ever filled with love for The Universe and Humanity.

Up Close and Personal with Reverend Lawrence Adell Sefa Verified


Welcome to "Up Close and Personal with Reverend Lawrence Adell Sefa," a dynamic interview series hosted by Reverend Lawrence Adell Sefa, a dedicated spiritual leader and community advocate based in Flint, Michigan. This channel offers a professional platform for local businesses, political campaigners, and advocates to share their stories, insights, and missions with a broader audience. Hosted in collaboration with All Points TV, a key media platform in Flint known for its diverse and community-focused content, this series features engaging one-hour interviews. These sessions are professionally produced, with high-quality visuals including banners and green screen backdrops, ensuring that each guest's message is presented with clarity and impact.

Hypnose de régression Enquêtes


Site / www.conscienceliberee.com Email : contact@conscienceliberee.com **Hypnose Spirituelle de Régression à distance ** CONSCIENCE LIBEREE Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre chaine youtube sur l’Hypnose Spirituelle de Régression. Cette activité est l’aventure de deux soeurs Auréana et Carole qui ont suivi une formation de praticiennes en hypnose à l’IIHS, institut international d’Hypnose spirituel par son fondateur Jean-Charles Chabot. La pratique de HSR s’adresse à toutes personnes désireuses de vivre une expérience dans ses vies antérieures, pour mettre en évidence des blocages, des émotions trop intenses mais aussi la curiosité sur des questions existentielles, ou encore ce qui vient et se passe dans l’après-vie. Auréana ou Carole seront heureuses de vous accompagner dans votre cheminement spirituel à travers un assortiment de questions selon ce qui sortira de votre état de conscience. Nous vous invitons à en apprendre plus sur notre site à www.conscienceliberee.com. Ecrivez-nous pour toutes autres informations. Coeurdialement vôtre, Carole & Auréana



LUCIFERIANISM©️ by THE DEVIL 666 Available today on EPIC GAMES STORE. #indiegames It is an open world sandbox, roguelike, soulslike, set in a gargantuan maze of 300 individually constructed levels. Brutal difficulty. Fully voiced by Elevenlabs AI Voice Robots. Built in Unreal Engine 5.4. [Rated M for Mature.] https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/luciferianism-300fc0 THE CATHEDRAL LIBRARY the white pearl O https://www.mediafire.com/folder/cifqbekpunyvj/THE_CATHEDRAL_LIBRARY_the_white_pearl