FullStack Web Dev Simplified


Welcome to FullStack Web Dev Simplified! This channel is dedicated to breaking down the complex world of full-stack development into easy-to-follow, practical videos. Whether you're just starting with JavaScript, diving into backend frameworks like Node.js and Express, or building responsive UIs with React, I've got you covered. You'll find tutorials, project walkthroughs, and tips on using tools like MongoDB, MySQL, and Python to build real-world applications. Subscribe to grow your web development skills and become a confident full-stack developer, one step at a time!



Welcome to our release of Content Stacked. The recent shadow-banning, complete deplatforming and now the physical removal of the artist now in play. This is all truly a staged play with some of the worst actors mixed in with some of the best, for sure. In my rambling, I absolutely will bring some light to those who feel they are lost in this game. If in fact this is a game, we need to win it, this battle against the evil adversary. It is my quest to show others what the truth and the light holds for them, it will be an honor to serve our creator in this cool way. To be our creator’s messenger in the best way possible will be my goal, undoubtedly protected under god’s hand. I will write a story from the heart and soul of this society that I see in absolute peril. To shine light on the darkness without resolve will not be what we are about. God does want me to continue and not give up. Considering giving up in this physical and spiritual battle is not an option.