The New Age Whistleblower


Raising the big issues, and pointing out the mass mind control techniques that are being used on humanity to keep us from becoming our greatest version. I also cover the energetic and metaphysical manipulations going on which hold us back. I am passionate about helping others in their journey particularly with healing the inner child, motivational techniques, and anything that help people step into their power. My website for more information, blogs, vlogs, and services is You can also buy my recent book 'Are you Living or Just Existing' at the site too. For energy healing sessions or inner child work you can contact me directly at

Alpha News


we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.' Reaching more than 282 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained. Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of #journalism that the world has come to rely on. We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected #news and #CurrentAffairs channels.

New West Reset


Calgary, Alberta, Canada: known as "The Heart of the New West." But, perhaps not so "new" after all. Suggestions of potential mud flood, reset and old world-inspired architecture in this young Western Canadian city. Let's check it out! Calgary was "Founded" in 1875 by the North-West Mounted Police, and Incorporated in 1884 with a total population of approximately 500 people. After the Canadian Pacific Railroad added a stop in Calgary in 1883, the population began to "boom." In 1900 there were approximately 4,000 people in the city. *NOTE: I use the words 'Tartaria" and "Mudflood" as a form of umbrella term for ease of reference*

Dadgum Family Adventure, Fun, Exploration, Camping, Off Road


This channel is dedicated to families and adventure. We will explore the great outdoors, go on cool adventures, learn about cool things, cook some good grub (food), review some really rad stuff, and even give you tips that you can use on your next adventure. This is a family-friendly place and you will find no cursing, swearing, or any other naughty, bad, no good stuff on this channel. We have worked hard to bring you this content and hope you enjoy it. We will be adding content regularly so please subscribe so you do not miss the next adventure or review or tips or.....