Berean Reformed Baptist Church
18 Followers1689 Confessional church preaching expositorily
Bethel Bible Church Hawaii
18 FollowersLive Stream of Bethel Bible Church Hawaii
18 FollowersoneGodonechurch
18 FollowersWOWFaithChurch
18 FollowersGravelly Baptist Church
18 FollowersGlorify God by Proclaiming Jesus, Being Disciples and Making Disciples. Join us this Sunday at 10:30am
18 FollowersGrace and Truth Baptist Church
18 FollowersThe official channel for Grace and Truth Baptist Church of Moss Point, MS
18 FollowersANewDayChurch
18 FollowersChurch
18 FollowersChurch
Three Angels SDA Church
18 FollowersThree Angels 7th Day Adventist Church
The Protestant Evangelical Church of Narbonne
18 FollowersWe are a bilingual church (French/English) in Narbonne, France. Here you will find sermons from our pastor, Steven Lloyd. For more information about the church and its activities, please visit our website:
Lets Go To Church
18 FollowersIt is past time to start going back to church. Stop living in fear, make a difference in your own life and in your community and go back to church!
The Church That Goes
18 FollowersGrace Living Fellowship (gracelivingonline) is a new church plant in Southern New Mexico that is unlike any church you\'ve ever known! We are The Church That Goes! We literally take the gospel, the love of Christ, and community care out to the people in our area that are hurting, in need, and lost! Please support this ministry so we can make a difference in the Tularosa Basin and have an impact for the Kingdom of God!
Reflection messages
18 FollowersDevotionals, Reflections, Help messages, words for the soul
Coram Deo Church
18 FollowersCoram Deo is a nondenominational church that meets in Bremerton, WA. We exist to love God, connect people, and change the world. When we gather together on Sundays, we hear the preaching of God’s Word, and respond by worshipping & taking communion together.
17 FollowersThe Branch Community Church
17 FollowersThe Rumble home of The Branch Community Church in Pamra, OH
17 FollowersThurstonchurch
17 Followerspioneerbaptistchurch
17 FollowersChurchgal1
17 FollowersCRC Church
17 FollowersCRC is a move of God that was birthed under the leadership of Pastors At and Nyretta Boshoff in 1994, with the clear mandate from God to win the lost at any cost! A move is not something that just happens, it is a combination of a man's unshakeable conviction and a word received from God to see a lost world return to God. With churches nationally and internationally, CRC is one of the fastest-growing churches in South Africa. We are a local church with global influence! CRC welcomes people from all races, ages and backgrounds. Our doors are open to all people and we are proud to be one of the first multicultural, multiracial churches in South Africa. We believe the church is the middle ground of society where the rich and poor, literate and illiterate, young and old, people from different cultures and walks of life can uplift one another in God.
17 FollowersFOMDchurch
17 FollowersThe Catholic Church in America.
17 FollowersGoing to see how many Roman Catholic Churches I can visit and record them for posterity.
17 FollowersAgapeBaptistChurch
17 FollowersFreedomFirstChurch
17 FollowersEncounterChurchKingston
17 FollowersSunday Morning Services
17 FollowersOur Sunday morning services will be posted Sunday afternoon.
17 FollowersOne Faith One Christ Church
17 FollowersOne Faith, One Christ is a church "committed to restoring and enhancing your relationship with God." The word of God is the foundation of what we believe, and we are dedicated to teaching God's word. We are a church concerned about your relationship with God. Through the word, we can help you establish or restore a relationship with God, or we can help strengthen the relationship you already have with Him.
The River at Ottawa Church
17 FollowersThe River at Ottawa Church | Ottawa, Ontario CANADA | Pastors Brett & Stephanie Young | Holy Bible and Holy Spirit Church
Sunday Service First Baptist Church WESTLAND MI
17 FollowersSunday Service at a King James Version Baptist Church
The Broken Wall, Nehemiah, & The Lion
17 Followers1 Peter 5. 8 “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” But how do you recognize The Devil when he is invisible? Lies. John 8:44:… He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies. The wall separating truth and lies in health and science is broken. The Devil’s lies are now entrenched in the church. The wall of truth that kept the lies on the outside is broken. The Lion- the Devil- is freely roaming about inside the church destroying our faith, our lives and our church. Watch this video series to identify those lies. Start rebuilding the wall now! God will send people only to a church that has rebuilt that wall Video #1 In our Post-Christian era why do we think we are being told the truth? Video #1 explains how power now establishes what is truth and what is lies. Not actual truth. Video #2 Censored- The 4 Ways Trusted Medical Authorities Censor Medical Truth I suggest you watch this documentary 2nd in this series because until you understand how scientific information is processed-- obeying scripture to hear the other side of the story- will be extremely difficult Video #3 Creation A Christian View of Everything: THE IMPORTANCE AND VALIDITY OF READING GENESIS AS HISTORY The same tricks and methods used to suppress the health risks of cigarette smoking for 50 years are still being used to control and shape “The Narrative” on climate, abortion health risks to the woman, and crazy as it sounds- the age of earth and the universe. Video #4 Covid 19: Concise Report: Did Jesus reveal a better Plan? 2021 The Pandemic: A Concise Report. 30 minutes to understand what happened (Sept. 2021) Video #5 The Hidden Physical Health Risks of Abortion and Informed Consent: For a Teenage Girl and Her Physician 20 years ago I believe God asked me to use my video production company to get the national television networks to sponsor a documentary about abortion risks to women. They all refused. The justification for abortion is based entirely on lies. There is no truth whatsoever. 6 The Hidden Emotional Risks of Abortion The shame in post abortion Christian women is so high such women have extreme difficulty even sharing with their best friend. So they keep it bottled up resulting in a diminished relationship with everyone around her and God. #7 Help Moving Forward: Sorting Through the Additional Rubble: Expanding Your News Sources We must continue to pick through the rubble sorting out which ideas that are now on the inside of the church belong on the outside with "The Enemy" and his “Narrative" Some examples: Population growth? The Narrative wants fewer people on earth, far fewer. So don’t be surprised when destructive ideas and policies emerge. In fact Jesus looks at people as a blessing. The Bible never revoked the command to multiply. Despite images of cities teaming with people the entire world’s population can still be placed into a very very small geographical area. Hunger is not due to overpopulation or a shortage of food but poverty that comes from evil governments. Gender confusion? Children years too young to provide legal consent are undergoing life changing permanent physical and chemical mutilation to their God given gender. Studies reveal it doesn’t make them happier. Born Gay? A major medical research organization did a thorough analysis of the human DNA hoping to find the gay gene. They found nothing. Neither God nor evolution could create same sex attraction. Climate Change or climate alarmism? There is ample evidence that “The Narrative" is based on power and politics more than actual science. We know beyond dispute that the oceans were higher and the planet far warmer in the recent past. "The Narrative’s not telling you that. Yet we are rushing forward trying to eliminate fossil fuels 20 or 30 years ahead of being able to replace them with electricity. The resulting chaos is worsening. And the WEF- the world economic forum. "The Narrative" wants you to believe it consists of uber wealthy kindly rich men like Bill Gates dressed in his casual sweater like Mr. Rogers. The WEF claims to be simply helping our elected officials do their job of helping everyone stay healthy and happy, right? So why did Bill Gates refuse to let the poorest countries have the formulae to make their own Covid vaccines? These are a few of the ideas that permeate our thinking but appear to be very destructive. You have learned through the earlier documentary, Censored, how empirical science is skewed to support The Narrative. I believe Christians and our churches are at a divide in the road. There is a 100 dollar word for choosing which path you will follow- bifurcation. It is a term used in the nautical world. There is a river I like to boat on that divides into a wide channel and a narrow channel at one point. Only if you know how to interpret the meaning of the colour of a simple floating marker, a buoy, do you know to take the narrow channel to avoid the rocks on the wide one. There is no arrow to point out the correct direction. On occasion we hear the crunching and propeller grinding from a boater who didn't know how to interpret the simple buoy. Unlike road signs with arrows and even multiple languages the boater gets a simple floating pole in the water. No words. And the colour alone does not tell you which channel to choose. You must also know which way the current is flowing. So I wrap up asking if you know which way the current is taking you? Scripture tells us how to discern and sort out these ideas. But in addition, podcasters like the one running in the background are a great resource. Revelation 17, 9: "Don't drop your guard, use your head"..... ". The Message (MSG) Churches and individuals which continue to rebuild the wall of truth will be safely inside Jesus plan.