Dana Clark, Inspiring Health & Wellness


Hi, I’m Dana, a Nothern Ontario Holistic Nutritionist and Herbalist with a passion for health and wellness. The focus of this channel is to provide quick, easy and healthy recipes that anyone can whip up, debunk health and wellness misconceptions, and inspire you to practice a healthy lifestyle without all the gimmicks. Find out more about Dana https://danahealthwellness.weebly.com/ Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DanaClarkHealthWellness Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/healthandwellnesswithDana/ Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/DanaWellness

Fringe Topics


Welcome to Fringe Topics, your ultimate destination for exploring the unexplored. Our channel delves into the intriguing, the mysterious, and the lesser-known aspects of our world. From unsolved mysteries and hidden treasures to unexplained phenomena and alternative theories, we venture beyond the mainstream to bring you a unique perspective on a wide array of topics. Here at Fringe Topics, we believe that curiosity is the key to discovery. So, if you have a thirst for knowledge and a passion for the unconventional, you're in the right place. Join us on this exciting journey as we unravel the mysteries of the fringe. Subscribe and stay tuned for regular updates!

The Ring Of Fire


The Ring of Fire started as a weekly syndicated radio show in 2004 for the purpose of exposing Wall Street thugs, environmental criminality, corporate media failure, and political back stories that you will rarely find from any other source. Since its formation, Ring of Fire has expanded into a multi-media outlet for the latest Progressive news, commentary and analysis. Mike Papantonio hosts the weekly America's Lawyer program which appears exclusively on this channel, and Farron Cousins hosts daily segments with political news in addition to the weekly Ring of Fire Podcast.

Manufacturing Talks


We feature the coolest and most riveting stories from the world of industry. Our host, Jim Vinoski, has spent his entire three-decade career right on the floors of various factories around the world. He now writes about manufacturing for Forbes, and is a keynote speaker on the subject. As our gravelly-voiced announcer says in our intro, he talks to the movers and shakers who are making things happen in industry! Tune in and learn all about the world of manufacturing!

I Bellringer


Canale Italiano https://rumble.com/c/c-5620449 NEW 16/01/2024 AndreA Vitale CHIARIMENTI DELLA VITTORIA DELLA LUCE. E PERCHÉ DOVE VA UNO VANNO TUTTI. SOLO IN CASO DI ATOMICA LA TERRA AVREBBE FATTO IL GIRO SUL SUO ASSE LAUREANDOSI ALLA 5D, SALVANDO A BORDO DELLE NAVI CHI VOLEVA METTERSI IN SALVO. 2024 MADRE TERRA NON GIRA SUL SUO ASSE PERCHÉ GLI UMANI DEL PIANETA TERRA HANNO IL CONTROLLO! IL CAUS CHE VIVIVETE E' SOLO PARTE DELLA TRANSIZIONE ALLA 5D - PLANETARIA. 5D NON E' UN POSTO MA UNO STATO DI COSCIENZA. QUANTI IN QUESTI ULTIMI 4 ANNI E PARLIAMO DELLA FINTA PANDAMIA SONO RIMASTI INTEGRI NONOSTANTE I NOTIZIARI TRASMETTEVANO LE LORO CONDIZIONI, FACENDO STARE UNA BUONA PARTE DELL'UMANITÀ IN 3D, ERAVAMO ANCHE ARRIVATI AL PUNTO DELLA CARTA VERDE, FINO A QUASI LE ATOMICHE. VI RICORDATE? POSSIAMO VEDERE BENISSIMO DUE REALTÀ DIFFERENTI SULLA TERRA, QUESTO SI CHIAMA MULTIDIMENSIONALE. 3D E 5D. LE CONDIZIONI ERANO SEMPLICI, O MADRE TERRA INSIEME HAI SUI FIGLI SI LAUREAVA OPPURE LEI SI GIRAVA COME AVREBBE FATTO OGNI 10000 ANNI, QUESTO SAREBBE SUCCESSO SE LA BATTAGLIA NON FOSSE STATA VINTA DALLA LUCE. LA PULIZIA E' AVVENUTA, IL POPOLO E' CONTRO CHI CI HA GOVERNATO PER MILLENNI, LA VERITÀ E' VENUTA A GALLA IN MOTE NAZIONI, I GOVERNI MONDIALI CON TUTTE LE LA LORO 3D A BASSA VIBRAZIONE STA PER ESSERE RIBALTATA ALLA 5D. ANCHE SE QUESTI MESSAGGI NON SONO MAI STATI LETTI. LI HANNO RAGGIUNTI NELLA COSCIENZA. LA FREQUENZA 5D IN QUALCHE MODO LI HA RISVEGLIATI, E LOTTANO PER CAMBIARE IL PIANETA IN MEGLIO PROPRIO COME I GALATTICI. NON STIAMO PARLANDO DI ESSERI PERFETTI NEMMENO TRUMP LO E' NONOSTANTE TUTTO. LE DIMENSIONI SONO 12 , SIAMO APPENA ALLA 5D MA INTANTO IL NUCLEARE, IL GENOCIDIO DI MASSA, L'ADREN--ROMO, E MOLTO ALTRO SONO STATI FERMATI. IN 5D IL MALE NON PUÒ ESISTERE. IN QUALCHE MODO ABBIAMO PRESO IL CONTROLLO DEL NOSTRO MONDO. OGNUNO VIVE NEL SUO MONDO, NELLA SUA REALTÀ, IL PROPRIO STATO DI COSCIENZA, E NELLO STATO 5D NON SEI PERFETTO MA VIVI LE LEGGI DI DIO AL MEGLIO CHE PUOI. QUESTE LEGGI SONO SCRITTE NEI DIARI DI ATON, PER RAGGIUNGERE STATI DI COSCIENZA MAGGIORE. NON LE ELENCO MA ALCUNE SONO GIÀ REALTÀ, QUELLO CHE VORREI DIRE IN SINTESI QUESTA SERA, E CHE SIAMO ANDATI MOLTO BENE, E ANDREMO SEMPRE MEGLIO FINO ALLA 12D. GRAZIE A TUTTI. 16 Gennaio 2024 https://www.facebook.com/AndreAVitaleFG/posts/pfbid035JcfRzxsvSob8Gx6RKDJyuNqdVKQPPwLNvPVDZjabkbseGNYLSwcVzuQL9T1tp4Zl ------------------------------ Ciao Anna e Patrick H. Bellringer. Grazie per tutto. Ci vediamo A bordo! Con Affetto AndreA - http://fourwinds10.com/ http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/anne_bellringer/news.php?q=1671999916 ------------------------------------- Si consiglia la lettura dei loro messaggi, considerando che il passaggio alla 5D la laurea alla 5D è avvenuta con successo. Madre terra ha già invertito la rotta/ invertito i poli. Quando i messaggi parlano che tutta la 3D sarà spazzata via e tutti coloro che vibrano con essa, parla di una dimensione, uno stato dell'essere. Come dicono i loro messaggi mantenete una frequenza di 5D o superiore per rimanere sempre nel raggio, appunto 169443 concentrato, calmo, equilibrato, centrato, mentre continuano le pulizie. Vi ringrazio tanto se ricordate queste parole prima di leggere i loro testi disponibili su rivista dal 1987 e sul sito citato qui sopra dal 1991. Nel sito di Ben Boux https://www.lanuovaumanita.net/indice-5.html potete trovare molte traduzioni compreso alcuni giornali chiamati (Phoenix Journal) , Vi consiglio vivamente la lettura sostituendo al ribaltamento della terra con ribaltamento della coscienza già avvenuto come citato qui sopra. Prossimamente ritrasmetterò tutti i loro aiuti compreso le petizioni della guerra sull'Adren-cR-mo. e la finta pandamia, su un nuovo canale interamente dedicato a questo lavoro. Aton è molto intimidatorio alla 3D a bassa vibrazione , perché spiega molto bene ai Demoni che il male nella 5D non può esistere. Non vuole neanche cadaveri a bordo delle sue navi quindi scordatevi animali e pesci nella pancia. E vero sono difficili da comprendere queste cose se i messaggi non sono completamente decodificati, ma usando la logica si comprende che non potrebbe essere altrimenti. Satana e i loro seguaci sono una coscienza che è esistita fino al 2018. Atos. Aton nel 2020 ha iniziata una grande pulizia con una grande aspirapolvere di demoni. Personalmente ho sempre reputato i loro messaggi forti e crudi contro la non luce. Personalmente mi hanno reso più forte, più calmo, più concentrato, più quantico, nonostante i messaggi difficili ho ricevuto un grande aiuto dai regni illuminati, continuerò a consigliarli e ringraziarli sempre. Buona Lettura. Grazie Anna Bellringer un abbraccio grande! 13 Gennaio 2024 https://www.facebook.com/AndreAVitaleFG/posts/pfbid02uWBDw7ZwkvHPiTVuzYjTtvajffC5jw4zDfqnmZeFJ36N3qHV9xrXoGTV1P4jQsKEl -------------------------- KORTON - 23/8/90 - OGNUNO DEVE AFFRONTARE LE TENEBRE E SCEGLIERE DIO https://rumble.com/v488fo9-korton-23890-ognuno-deve-affrontare-le-tenebre-e-scegliere-dio.html KORTON - 27/10/1998 - LA CONOSCENZA VI DÀ "OCCHI PER VEDERE - https://rumble.com/v488d1w-korton-27101998-la-conoscenza-vi-d-occhi-per-vedere-.html KORTON-03/02/1998-Il Comandante Tomeros Maasu Korton è qui nella Luce di Dio. https://rumble.com/v488bwo-korton-03021998-il-comandante-tomeros-maasu-korton-qui-nella-luce-di-dio..html KORTON - LA COMUNICAZIONE È L'ARMA PIÙ GRANDE CHE AVETE! https://rumble.com/v47zrb0-korton-la-comunicazione-larma-pi-grande-che-avete.html 1 IL COMANDANTE KORTON PARLA DELL'ATTUALE SCENA MONDIALE https://rumble.com/v47zxk2-il-comandante-korton-parla-dellattuale-scena-mondiale.html 2 IL COMANDANTE KORTON PARLA DELL'ATTUALE SCENA MONDIALE https://rumble.com/v47z2jf-il-comandante-korton-parla-dellattuale-scena-mondiale.html KORTON THE PHOENIX PROJECT. https://rumble.com/v47umj6-korton-the-phoenix-project.html COMANDANTE TOMEROS MAASU KORTON - I BELLRINGER - https://rumble.com/c/c-5620449 CONTATTO: THE PHOENIX PROJECT -----------------------------

Two Women and Crypto: Empowering Others


Welcome to our channel. Your hosts are Andrea Calderio and Kelli Lair. Our mission is to provide entertainment, education and insights regarding our the changing financial landscapes through our TW&C weekly podcast, classes, events, and satirical videos! Our focus is the digitization and tokenization of our worlds financial systems, through deep dives into news and games that are at play. We hope to peel back the layers of information to so you can catch a thread of truth to anchor into your own reality. Our weekly podcast is streamed live each Friday morning at 8am pst / 11am est on our social media channels. Thank you for being here, we are grateful. Welcome to The Future! You're Right on Time! Hodl ON and Plant Potatoes! BOOM! BOOM!

Hi, I am brand new to rumble still figuring it out! fill free to Embark on a journey into the esoteric realms of angels, archons, and Rosicrucian texts.


Delve into the celestial realm of angels, explore the enigmatic influence of archons, and uncover the hidden wisdom of Rosicrucian texts. This channel serves as a gateway to a world of spiritual enlightenment and mystical knowledge. Explore the following topics and more: Angelic Hierarchies and Powers: Uncover the diverse roles and responsibilities of angels within the celestial hierarchy. Archontic Influences and Their Impact on Humanity: Examine the enigmatic influence of archons on human consciousness and societal structures. Rosicrucian Texts and Their Hidden Wisdom: Decipher the profound messages embedded within Rosicrucian texts, unlocking secrets of spiritual transformation. Whether you're a seasoned seeker of esoteric knowledge or a curious novice, this channel offers a captivating exploration of the angelic realm, archontic influences, and Rosicrucian wisdom. Embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and uncover the hidden truths that lie beyond the veil of ordinary perception. Subscribe to this

Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation


Welcome to Our Duty Canada- Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation. We believe that no child can consent to off-label chemical hormones and permanent surgical procedures. It is our duty to inform and support parents, to work toward increasing public knowledge and to pressure our socio-medical-political system into conducting itself from an evidence-based perspective. We know that children are being harmed by so-called “gender affirming care” every day in Canada with their once trusted medical and mental health bodies, schools, media and their government acting as catalysts for their desire and ease in accessing these experimental treatments. We are proud to represent Our Duty as we build this Canadian Chapter.

Exploring the future of technology


Welcome to FutureTechTalk, the channel where we explore emerging and future technologies that are transforming the world. From artificial intelligence to robotics, from renewable energy to space exploration, our team of technology experts analyzes the latest trends and developments in the world of technology. Join us as we discuss the most exciting advances and innovative ideas that are shaping the future of humanity. Subscribe now to not miss a single episode of FutureTechTalk!

Welcome to FaucetPay Finds, your ultimate destination for discovering lucrative FaucetPay faucets and harnessing the power of cryptocurrencies!


New Discord Server! Valid for 7 days! https://discord.gg/nE3mxeK7 Join us as we dive into the world of digital assets, uncovering hidden opportunities and sharing valuable insights to maximize your earnings through crypto faucets. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned enthusiast, our channel is your go-to resource for everything faucet-related. Explore with us as we review the top faucets, provide expert tips and strategies, and keep you updated on the latest trends and developments in the crypto faucet space. Our vibrant community of like-minded individuals shares exclusive offers and proven methods to help you optimize your earnings and build your digital wealth. Don't miss out on this exciting journey! Subscribe to FaucetPay Finds now and embark on a rewarding adventure in the realm of crypto faucets with us!

Springer Medical Textbooks Published My Biographical Medical Experimentations, Traumas & Original Art Works explaining "The Art of Pain” Artist, Author, Advocate, Public Speaker, Educator


HOST: Yvonne B.D. Palermo EMAIL: Y.B.D.P@PROTON.ME DISCLAIMERS: 18+ ONLY 👉 Cannot give out medical DX. Not a Doctor or Nurse. Rules: Respect one another's opinions, beliefs, and presence to learn & share. Be Advised: All of my discussions, interviews, artworks & any live chats deemed harmful are recorded. Any abuse, doxxing, gaslighting, targeting: will be reported to proper agencies My decision to ban, mute or block doesn't have to be explained. MoTTo: F.E.A.R.~>FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE WARFARE is an activity undertaken to weaken or destroy another SCHEDULE: Mountain standard time zone Channel Topics: My goal is to share my factual experiences as a caregiver & now as a patient in order to help educate those that do not understand how it once was to the current travesty of what it has become. One must learn how to medically advocate for themselves through a broken system of lies. All of my opinions, beliefs, and advocating stems from my personal Severe Medical Traumas & experiences which are published by Springer Medical Textbooks. My greatest joy is Public Speaking about all of my experiences- for example: Near death experiences, Traumatic brain injury, unconsciousness, 3 years existing in-between realities, & also showing my world, my language, through art work, educating about Chronic Pain, Gaslighting, & expressing myself via gallery exhibitions. Volunteering at children's hospitals was even vital to my own healing. Working as a:First Responder/ER Tech then Microbiology/Serology/Histology Clinic Technician was some of my very favorite skillset jobs. After which, I retained a B.F.A. Magna Cum Laude with art education. My snippets of DX & HX: *Chronic Pain *Near Death Experiences *Traumatic Brain Injury *Thoracic Outlet Syndrome * Broken Neck, Cervical Fusions *Lumbar fusions, Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Cord Mass, *Intrathecal Pain Pumps, pain pumps *Spinal Cord Stimulator, SCS *Gaslighting *How to........ *Pain Management Segregation *CPTSD *Foreign Object *Open Wound *Staph/MRSA *Cervicogenic Migraines *Botox Injections *PIC lines *Hyperemesis Gravidarum *Bursitis *Pain Management Segregation *Disability Parking *Kratom, THC *ADHD *Paralysis *Braces *Nerve pain *Cervical Dystonia *DDD *Ablation *Trigger Injections, Steroid Injections *Myelogram *anxiety, panic attacks, Agoraphobia *Seizure's, myoclonic jerks *Startle Myoclonus We can ONLY change group think, when the people start to wander. Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Courageous. Start Wandering. CULTS: One of my life events includes directly dealing with what is imo a dangerous cult. Tinfoil hats, Crowns, and Gowns are optional. Cult warfare is serious, & imo due to technology we have crossed a dangerous line that created a new "type" of cult consisting of MULTIPLE dangerous Leaders. From New Age Ufo cults- medical cults , political cults etc.. The indoctrinations that inject apathy & utilize one's vulnerabilities , is a premeditated persuasion to control, cultivate, and mutilate a society. Website: https://belladolores.wixsite.com/belladolores Instagram: belladoloresart

How To Plumbing


People always ask me what gave you the idea and what made you create these how to plumbing videos? Coming up with the idea was easy. After many years as a plumber and servicing customers at their home, I\\\'ve seen a lot of people in Tuff situations, people that could not afford a plumber, people that didn\\\'t have time to wait for a plumber to come to their home and make repairs, hearing horror stories of Plumbers that have ripped off costumers and gave bad service, to me this was a loud cry for help. One story come to mind; A friend of mine calls me and ask, Claude could you do me a favor and help this older lady that I know, and go by and look at her Plumbing, she needs plumbing work really badly, but she\\\'s too scared to call a plumber because of the cost, and she knows that if I send you over there to check out the plumbing she can trust me as a friend recommending you, sure I said I could do that. The next day came and I went to the older lady\\\'s home, she came to the door with a pleasant smile very humbly. I could see it in her eye\\\'s she didn\\\'t have to say a word (What is this going to cost) she was very polite and courteous. Sir would you like something to drink and I do appreciate you coming to check out my plumbing on such short notice. No problem mam, let’s see what\\\'s going on here with your plumbing. This way Sir in the kitchen. As I walk through the home I saw in the corner of my eye younger children around 3, 5 and 6 years of age running around the house I\\\'m sure they were her Grandkids; right away I knew they also stayed there and grandmother seem to have her hands full. I would say it\\\'s safe to say that grandmother was helping raise them or she or was doing it all alone. Yeah, I\\\'m a softy, seeing all this going on before I even saw the plumbing problem, just made me thankful of my situation and hoping that I could help her out, and maybe just for that day I could give her a chance to catch her breath and take away some of the worries she had going on. I finally made it to the kitchen sink. Here you go Sir, I\\\'ll leave you alone and let you work again thank you so much in a humble voice, she says. I look under the kitchen sink. WOW! That\\\'s it, I said to myself. It was a chrome P-Trap that had just corroded from the bottom leaking into a large cooking pot, five-minute job to replace it. I was curious. Mam How long has this been like this. Two years Sir. I ask really? Yes. Mam where have you been washing your dishes I ask. In the tub. OH! I said. Can you fix it Sir? She asks. Yes, mam not a problem. For a minute, I saw a little sigh of relief on her face, but she caught herself. Sir, do you have any idea what this is going to cost? Yes Mam, in a low voice I said nothing mam. I didn\\\'t have to say it too loud because I didn\\\'t want it to seem as if I was doing her a big favor because I was feeling just as humble as she was; the smile and the relief on her face was more than enough for me she was really doing me a big favor, I was enjoying the idea that I was helping someone God had sent me to. Yes, I know this is a small job, but there are many people out there that don\\\'t realize this and they are really scared to call a plumber.

Spring Water Greg


SpringWaterGreg - Subscribe to Socials via BitChute - Rumble - Odysee - FakeBook - YouTube Stories have been a way cultures pass on their knowledge to future generations. Everyone loves a great story. It brings you back to the simple joy of wonder. Your sense of imagination is strengthened and your mindset downloads a full recharge. The sovereign nations, tribes & clans of Australia refer to their stories as 'The Dreamtime' and use this as the basis of handing down wisdom to future generations. With the failed introduction of the ruthless trojan horse known as "The Voice", the real history of Australia finally started to reach the people. THEY deliberately weaved this country into liquidation. But, THAT "System" be it "Pandemic", "Climate" or whatever made up variation is all but trickery. The Dreamtime we have called for has recommenced it's journey as the great southern land of the holy spirit. We stand together in unity under the big bright sun, the new flag is flown with dignity. "Soverignty was never ceded in this country". The free, the living, will never OBEY a dead system. The African's use story, song and dance to carry-on their traditions. This was particularly important when they were enslaved and restricted from communication with each other. It was these foundations which evolved into the practice we know as 'Voodoo'. And I am not referring to the Holly-Wierd manipulation. In most religions we refer to stories of old as 'Mythology' and often call on them as examples which assist us to live our best ever lives. The beauty of this is that it is not important whether the stories are real or not, but rather the gift is in how we incorporate the essence of the message and adapt it into our daily practices. Further, the horrors of the Palestine disposition are now known to the world. The demand for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation are rightfully shaking the planet like never before. One loss is one too many. Tens of thousands of losses are unforgiveable. We see clearly that with all occupations, it is the innocence that suffers. The same few pull the strings & literally call the "shots" against both sides. But this is only for as long as both sides are unable to see the truth as it is. This world has been the laughing stock of the few putrid weazles that are so infested within their own bitterness (until we snatch all our power back and deflate them once and for all). The draconian agenda is a very boring, tacky and disgraceful initiative. Those dirty grubs made one very important mistake. It only takes one to hold strong the fragments of the collective human spirit. Together, we genuinely laugh back at them, all of them. We have far greater numbers of beautiful truth keepers. So many of us who know what is happenning and we are not buying into the nonsense. We clearly see THEM, those Emperer's with nothing to hide behind anymore. THEY will never ever fool all of us. We see it and all its distorted lies exactly as they are. Future generations will look back on the failure of the 2030 agenda and admire those who stood their ground united. Those who kept that stance firm their entire lives are the ones we salute. Everything we do sculps the path for future generations - our inherent goodness is the benevolence which powers us irrespective of the riddiculous muppet show. The gifted who can see this scamdemic for what it really is, were given first hand experience of the absolute insanity the alledged "pandemic that simply isn't" is. Smart Technology - Just Say No To the lot - Once you know what is going on, You will never leave your gaurd down again - Do Everything the Old Fashioned Way. Love to the resistance in Melbourne - Gratitude to each and every one of you for never ever giving up. The insanity of locking-up Western Sydney for 3 Months in 2021 with no justification was an absolute disgrace. Clearly we knew "THERE HAVE NEVER BEEN ANY AREAS OF CONCERN AND NEVER EVER WILL BE". We know exactly what the real concern is ... we have lost our fear & we rise above them. Those hideous birds comonly known as "Bin Chickens" serve as a reminder, that no matter which monster stands on the idiot box, we know that THEY are only the useless eater sellouts that do exactly what they have been told. Allow your Intuition to ALWAYS guide you!!! May all of humanity always live & breathe on the right side of freedom. Cultural Sensitivity Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images, voices and videos of deceased persons. Users are warned that there may be words and descriptions that may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. "Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against Tyranny". *LOVE*WEALTH*GRATITUDE*FREEDOM*PEACE* ******