

Welcome to Xeno. My Planet. I am Prod3gy, the first Primordial Being in this World. Put bluntly I'm a music producer & artist from South Africa for a decade, I'm also an anime obsessed weeb for over a decade. Among the MANY realms in my world there are 2 main pillars. The Anime Realm and The Music Realm. For now I make anime content reacting and reviewing most of my favorite anime shows and anything else anime. I'll start branching out to music tutorials and such later Or i might just come up with something to help upcoming content creators as time goes on. I did. I Created a Sound Kit for Content Creators such as myself and the purpose of this kit is to give you better leverage and make your videos more entertaining with better music, sound effects and more Sonics other than default boring sounds you find online and in youtube. The Retention Sound Kit Vol 1 will bring your subscribers back for more. Find a home in my world. Be a part of the XENONIAN family.



Is your injured body preventing you from weightlifting, running, Crossfit, yoga, general fitness, deadlifting, squatting, or being with your personal trainer? You are in the right place! Dr. Sebastian and Dr. Dawne are "locally world-famous chiropractors" in Costa Mesa, Orange County CA. Not really but really! :) On this channel, you can expect only the most effective strength exercises, stretches, corrective exercises, and rehabilitation methods on Youtube. Our topics of interest range from lower back pain, piriformis syndrome, hip flexor syndrome, groin pain, hip impingement, SI Joint sprains, muscle spasms, shoulder blade ache, neck pain, and much more. If you have an ache, pain, spasm, shooting, stabbing, throbbing, or numbness in your low back, hip, shoulder, neck, spine, thigh, knee, foot, or ankle we have some great home exercises and self-tests. We are located in Costa Mesa CA. Search "chiropractors near me" in the cities of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa.

Sun in the West is a charity to aid people in need! We work to be a light to people, just like the sun is to our planet


Sun in the West is a charitable organization here to help aid people in need! We work to be a beacon of light and warmth to people, just like the sun is to our planet. We are currently growing logistics for many areas of the world. It takes time and support! We are working to get the help, to the areas of the world that are normally ignored by Western media and Western charities. Information and awareness, are just as important to us, as donations. Therefore, please share and tell others about us, in order to help the awareness grow! If you are financially sound and are able to spare one or two dollars, we appreciate the donations as well. Let us all work together to bring about a warmer world, just like the sun does for us

Hijos de las Estrellas


En directo casi todos los días en Twitch!! Descubre la verdad: un canal que explora los misterios del universo, la política y la conciencia. Abordamos temas como ovnis, exopolitica, extraterrestres, actualidad, espiritualidad y mucho más. Únete a nosotros para: Desvelar los secretos del universo: analizamos los últimos avistamientos de ovnis, las investigaciones sobre vida extraterrestre y las teorías sobre la exopolitica. Explorar la mente y la conciencia: profundizamos en temas como , el despertar espiritual y la conexión con nuestro ser interior. Mantenerte informado: te traemos las últimas noticias sobre política, actualidad y eventos internacionales. Compartir ideas y experiencias: creamos un espacio de debate y reflexión donde puedes compartir tus opiniones y conectar con personas afines. Síguenos en nuestro viaje hacia la verdad