The Nuttiest Pokemon Channel on the Internet


TLDR: Squirrels. Pistachios. Pokemon. Let's go. I love cracking pistachios and pokemon packs. If you're a little nutty... and love pokemon.. you may wanna join. Rip and Ships, lots of giveaways (I ship all giveaways for FREE!), always a little nutty. We're a very welcoming family full of all kinds of people from ALL OVER the world. Literally people from almost every time zone at this point lol. Come hangout and I promise lots of fun, and a safe place to be, where I won't let anyone create an unsafe or unhappy environment for anyone else. The goal is to eventually have YouTube pay for me to share all the nutty luck with everyone in the community. Don't miss it! Check out the socials below & come get a little nutty!!