Wissen Querbeet

1 Follower

Meine Oma pflegte immer zu sagen: Man wird alt wie eine Kuh und lernt jeden Tag dazu. Und Recht hatte sie, das merke ich immer mehr, je älter ich werde. Außerdem mag ich einfach Wissen, egal wie nutzlos vieles davon im Alltag auch ist und unabhängig davon, ob das alles überhaupt so geschehen ist, wie es uns erzählt wird. Ich war nicht dabei, aber ich halte sehr vieles für möglich, da ich Menschen so ziemlich ALLES zutraue, im Guten wie im Schlechten. Dennoch, es gibt auf dieser wunderschönen Welt endlos viele spannende Dinge und interessante Persönlichkeiten zu entdecken und das macht einfach Spaß – selbst wenn sich jemand alles nur ausgedacht hat. :)

Waseem hassan

1 Follower

A sad video typically conveys emotions of sorrow, melancholy, or heartbreak through visual and auditory elements. It may feature scenes or stories that evoke sadness, often accompanied by somber music or dialogue. These videos aim to elicit empathy and emotional resonance from the viewer, exploring themes like loss, loneliness, or difficult life circumstances. The emotional impact of a sad video often depends on its storytelling, cinematography, and music choices, which work together to create a powerful and moving experience.


1 Follower

Hey there, welcome to my channel! I'm just a girl on a big adventure, learning to ride the waves and conquer the virtual world. I've recently discovered the joy of surfing and I'm super excited to share my journey with you. From catching my first wave to mastering the art of balance, I'll be documenting it all right here! But that's not all! When I'm not out in the ocean, you can find me in the world of Minecraft, building, exploring, and having a blast. I also love trying out different video games and I can't wait to share my gaming experiences with you. Family is super important to me and I'm lucky to have the best one (including my two adorable dogs 🐶🐶)! This is my first YouTube channel and I'm really excited to make new friends who share my interests. So come join me on this exciting journey! Let's learn, play, and have fun together. Don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell so you won't miss out on any of the fun! See you in the waves and in the game!