Flipside Christian Church


Welcome to Flipside Christian Church with Pastor Karl Roth! Here, we dive deep into every book of the Bible, talking about the good stuff—like grace and faith—but also the harder things we sometimes need to hear. Pastor Karl doesn’t shy away from the tough parts of Scripture, bringing real, honest messages that challenge and inspire. Whether you’re a believer, curious about Christianity, or just figuring things out, these sermons are for you. Join us on this journey through the Bible and see how it speaks to every part of life—good and hard! Watch all our sermons on our youtube channel "Flipside Christian Church" Join us in person 9:00am & 10:30am every Sunday morning. 37193 Ave 12 #3h, Madera, CA 93636 For more visit us at flipside.church For more podcasts visit flipsidepodcasts.transistor.fm

Buck Up Relief Mission


THE HUB: BUCK UP RELIEF MISSION *MISSION: Help facilitate all logistics, fuel, transportation, drivers and operational expenses to enable secured supply chain deliveries from donation collection sites to disaster affected areas throughout the USA. Assist with providing temporary shelter and housing assistance to displaced families. Support medical teams with essential supplies, equipment and medications for life-saving operations. Assist in debris removal and infrastructure repair supplies and equipment to restore access to affected areas. Deliver critical resources to trusted boots on the ground labors in order for our partners to bring help, health and hope to disaster affected communities and families. THE WHEEL: Ephesians 4:16 - He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy, growing and full of love. NUTS & BOLTS – BUCK UP TEAM: Fueled by Banners 4 Freedom Ministries, 508(c)(1)(a) Non-Profit Ministry in accordance with Title 26 USC section 5 VINCE SABEN, MARVIN COTE, AJ ANDREWS, ROBERT & JAIME’ AGEE THE SPOKES & PARTNERS: TRANSPORATION & RELIEF SUPPLIES: NATIVE WAY TRANSPORTATION, LLC, TRUCKING FOR AMERICA, LLC *Facilitate all logistics of supply chain deliveries from donation collection sites to disaster affected areas in the USA *Establish civilian facilitated donation collection locations throughout the USA *Establish corporate and political relationships to create an on-going supply lines for all critical items as: medical supplies & equipment, communications devices, water, food, clothing, heating, building supplies, agricultural supplies & equipment, housing and shelter MEDICAL AID: *Facilitate supply chain of medical supplies, medications and equipment need during all medical disaster relief efforts needed to effectively provide urgent medications, perform emergency & on-going medical care RESCUE AID: *Facilitate supply chain of supplies & equipment needed for conduct life-saving search and rescue operations CLEAN-UP AID: *Facilitate delivery of supplies & equipment to aid clean-up crews in disaster sites to ensure health & safety HOUSING & SHELTER: Truckin' 4 Troops *Facilitate the purchase and delivery of campers for housing, deliveries, mobile command centers for veterans, 1st responders, rescue teams, and homeless families affected by disasters in the USA *Facilitate the delivery of building supplies and building of tiny homes for temporary community housing *Facilitate the purchase and delivery of storage containers for secured dry-storage of critical supplies RESTORATION AID: *Facilitate the delivery of supplies and equipment for securing infrastructure and rebuilding shelter & housing MINISTRIAL AID: Banners 4 Freedom Ministries, *Assist in ministering hope and love to disaster inflicted communities and families

Dismiss All Charges Verified


Bring Change to dismiss all charges against any citizen where a police officer muted body cam or didnt have it on. No excuse <script> !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._RumbleDotCom=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){ (r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments)}),l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0], l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embed/swap.js?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href), e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}(window,document,"script","Rumble"); Rumble("swapEmbeds", "15esw2"); </script>

Tips for natural solutions for healthy living


We present in this channel suggestions of habits for a healthy life in order to guide and instruct visitors to have a long and healthy life. Everyone likes to live well and live a lot, but routine habits that become common have taken us to destinations that are not always the most desired. Here the visitor finds several attitudes that can lead him to have a longer life, with more joy. Healthy body, organized mind, long life is what we all want to have. We will always be giving health tips with natural solutions

JRE Clips


The JRE Clips, often identified by the hashtags #JRE or #JoeRoganExperience, stands as a pinnacle in the podcasting realm, celebrating its diverse array of unscripted, long-form conversations. As the podcast marks another year of existence, it's an opportune moment to delve into the multifaceted nature of this show and the impact it has had on the world of digital media. Hosted by Joe Rogan, a comedian, mixed martial arts enthusiast, and seasoned interviewer, the JRE podcast has become a digital agora where guests from all walks of life engage in discussions that transcend the boundaries of traditional media. The hashtag #JRE serves as a virtual doorway to this expansive realm of thought-provoking dialogues. The essence of the Joe Rogan Experience lies in its authenticity. Unlike conventional talk shows, JRE embraces the long-form format, allowing conversations to unfold organically and delve into subjects with a depth rarely found in mainstream media. With episodes often spanning several hours, listeners are treated to a unique, unfiltered experience where guests can express their ideas, share stories, and engage in debates without the constraints of time. From renowned scientists and authors to comedians, athletes, and musicians, the guest list is as diverse as it is extensive. This diversity contributes to the eclectic nature of the podcast, ensuring that each episode offers something new and unexpected. The #JoeRoganExperience hashtag encapsulates this diversity, serving as a digital marker for the plethora of topics explored on the show. Comedy, science, philosophy, health, and current events are just a few of the realms traversed in the JRE podcast. The show's capacity to seamlessly shift from discussions about the mysteries of the universe to the intricacies of stand-up comedy is a testament to Joe Rogan's skill as an interviewer and the broad spectrum of his interests. The #LongFormConversations hashtag underscores the depth of these interactions, highlighting the podcast's commitment to allowing ideas to breathe and evolve. One cannot discuss the Joe Rogan Experience without acknowledging its cultural impact. The podcast has become a cultural touchstone, influencing not only the world of digital media but also shaping public discourse. Thought leaders, intellectuals, and cultural icons find themselves on the JRE stage, where they can share their perspectives with a vast and engaged audience. The #ThoughtProvokingTalks hashtag encapsulates the intellectual stimulation that the show consistently provides. As the podcast celebrates another year, the #EclecticPodcast hashtag reflects its ability to appeal to a wide audience. The JRE podcast is not confined to a niche; instead, it caters to the curious minds seeking substantive and entertaining content. Whether you are interested in the latest advancements in science or just looking for a good laugh, the Joe Rogan Experience has something for everyone. In conclusion, the hashtags #JRE and #JoeRoganExperience encapsulate the essence of a podcast that has redefined the art of conversation in the digital age. With its commitment to authenticity, diverse guests, and a broad spectrum of topics, the JRE podcast continues to be a trailblazer, setting the standard for long-form, unfiltered discussions in the vast landscape of digital media. Cheers to another year of thought-provoking talks, unexpected moments, and the ever-expanding influence of the Joe Rogan Experience. #Shorts #JREClips #RoganShorts #JREHighlight #JoeRoganSnippets #JREQuickBites #RoganBits #JREQuickies #RoganTeasers #JREFastForward #JoeRoganMini #JREFlash #RoganGlimpse #JREMicroMoments #RoganBriefs #JREExpress #JoeRoganSprint #JRESnapshots #RoganSpeedRound #JREBursts #JoeRoganSlice #JREFastFacts #RoganRapidTake #JREQuickHits #RoganSwiftClips #JoeRoganSnackable #JREZoomIn #RoganQuickPeek #JRESwiftSnips #RoganInaNutshell #JRELightningCut #JoeRoganSprint #JREShortCuts #RoganMiniatures #JREAbbreviated #RoganBriefMoments #JREFlashbackShorts #RoganFastForward #JREQuickGlimpse #JoeRoganBlitz #JREStarterSnips #RoganSwiftGlance #JREPodQuickies #RoganMicroMoments #JREUltraShorts #RoganQuickDose #JREFlashMoments #RoganExpress #JRELightningRounds #RoganBriefEncounter #JREQuickTakes

JAD's Clips


A collection of video clips of news, events, movie & TV scenes, analysis and more. For viewing, sharing and content providers to copy. ======= The central hub for my content is Substack. I would be honored by your subscribing to it. Show Notes are posted there as well as my Sunday Morning posts, scriptural study podcasts and more. Subscriptions are free and paid for those that desire to support my work. Subscribe at http://JADsComms.substack.com/ ======= Live Love! ======= And follow JAD's Clips!