Jesus Christ Is Who God Is


According to the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ and God the Father are One Eternal Soul and Spirit. God the Father is the Eternal Spirit of Love and the LORD Jesus Christ is the Incarnation of the Eternal Soul or Person of God\\\'s Eternal Spirit of God Who was known as the Word of God and Who told the prophets and His disciples about future events that happened, are happening, and will happen exactly as He said they would. On this channel we look at current events in the Light of His Spoken Word.

Star Wars On Jesus


The War On Terror The War On Drugs The War On Covid Star Wars On Jesus.... Star Wars On Jesus or the Hidden Story In the 1st Trilogy, Episodes I, II and III are full of hidden symbolism. People do not realize or did not realize that they are actually bombarded with occultism and re-engineered biblical stories. This video, I produced, is thoroughly documented Bible, Talmud, footages... I would like to show you that the intentions of Georges Lucas were pretty clear, where he was going with some characters of the Episodes.I would describe Star Wars as anti-Jesus and Pro-Jewish. i would also Summarize the video as JUDAISM vs CHRISTIANITY Please take time to watch the movies I, II & III (6 hours Footage). You will be prepared to the evidences, I am going to show you, which are actually not so ‘HIDDEN’! Website: (Released soon) Patreon: Link:

House of the Majestic


Welcome to the House of the Majestic! Brittany Nordtvedt is passionate about pursuing intimacy with Yahveh (Almighty God), ministering to Him in worship, and facilitating environments where the sons of God can enter into greater realms and dimensions of who He is - in and through Yeshuva (Jesus) The Way, by the leading of Holy Spirit and in alignment with the Word of God. Her greatest desire for the body of Christ is for us to grow in unity with the Lord and with one another, that together we may become more and more like Him, releasing His essence and desires out of heaven into all of creation. 

Jesus King Of Kings


Welcome brothers and sisters! God bless you, thank you for visiting our channel! We aim to inspire and motivate people to seek and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. True happiness is found in Christ alone. Your life is part of God's grand design. God has known about you and had a plan for your life since before time began. God has made you to become like Jesus. You are capable of having the goodness, righteousness, meekness and holiness like Jesus Christ. He invites you to join Him in working out His will for your life--conforming you to His image.