Pulse Patriots Verified


Welcome! I’m Sam, a U.S. Army disabled vet and patriot powering PulsePatriots 🇺🇸💪—vets, patriots, truth daily 🗽. Join me for 4 daily videos starting March 1, 10 AM CST on Rumble! We share vet resilience 🪖, tackle national security threats (like China) 🛡️, and champion Trump’s wins for America 🦅. Subscribe, follow on Truth/X, and stand strong 💪. #PulsePatriots #NationalSecurity #Patriots 🔘 https://truthsocial.com/@Muve2Go 🔘 https://truthsocial.com/group/veteran-stories 🔘 http://rumble.com/c/PulsePatriots 🔘 https://x.com/MUVE2GO 🔘 https://www.givesendgo.com/VeteranStories 🔘 http://warcats.shop