Canal Oração e Luz


Bem-vindo ao nosso canal Oração e Luz! Aqui, nosso objetivo é ajudá-lo a encontrar conforto, paz e direção em sua jornada espiritual. Nós acreditamos que as orações são uma ferramenta poderosa para conectarmos nossas almas à sabedoria divina e encontrar respostas às nossas perguntas. Juntos, vamos explorar a profundidade da fé, da meditação e da gratidão, e encontrar forças para superar desafios e alcançar nossos sonhos. Venha se juntar a nós em nossa missão de cultivar um coração aberto e uma mente clara, e deixe-se ser encorajado pela luz divina. Inscreva-se agora e seja parte da nossa comunidade crescente de buscadores espirituais!

Ednita Castillo


E d n i t a C a s t i l l o is strongly influenced by the community, culture and sounds of her generation. Infusing atmospheric dark pop with sensational undertones of pop/rock and hip-hop, producer, singer/songwriter uses her plentiful life experiences to fuel her work and inspire her listeners..Having made it through many forms of abuse, poverty, and adversity as a child to only continue fighting for happiness. Even as a youngster,she was drawn to music and musicians. She truly understand the power of sound and try to perform music that speaks to fans across the musical spectrum. Her signature style is instantly recognizable and is becoming a sound that others are beginning to emulate. With her name becoming increasingly heard on a national stage, her career is at an important crossroads that could see her burst onto the international charts. Using “Talk About Yourself ” as her starting point, She strives to make music that moves you and will continue creating music that listeners can connect and relate to. Her passions and talents do not stop at singing and songwriting.