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Hi_I'am_{_Netflix_Cinema_} {-আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম-} এখানে আপনাদের জন্য সুন্দর সুন্দর ইসলামিক ভিডিও, বাংলা গজল, ফানি ভিডিও,ওর্য়াল্ড বিশ্ব কাপ মেচ সর্ট ভিডিও, ওর্য়াল্ড ফুটবল বিশ্ব কাপ মেচ সর্ট ভিডিও, ব্লক ভিডিও, মুভি explanation ভিডিও, ও সবধরনের সিরিয়াল ভিডিও আপলোড দেওয়া হয়, যদি আমাদের ভিডিও গুলো আপনার পছন্দ হয় তাহলে আর দেরি না করে এখনই আমাদের চ্যানেল টি স্যাবক্রাইব করে পাসে থাকা বেলাইকোন ঘন্টা টি বাজিয়ে রোখেন তাহলে আপনি আমাদের নতুন নতুন ভিডিও গুলো খুব সহজেই পেয়ে যাবেন।

Bid Nerds


Your daily Nerd Out on the most interesting car of the day from Cars & Bids, Bring a Trailer, and all the automotive enthusiast auction sites. Wanna-be expert hosts John Polnik and Michael Deeb take a closer look at their top pick of the day and make predictions on hammer prices. Eighties, nineties, and enthusiast cars will be the focus of vehicles discussed by our hosts as they share their experiences and insight around the cars they love and sometimes love to hate. See if your bid predictions are better than John and Michael's!

Coffee, Conversations and Badasses Podcast


We tell heroic stories from badass people who overcame mental health, addiction, relationship, and business struggles. Coffee, Conversations, & Badasses Podcast is hosted by Dustin Hayes, Medically Retired US Navy, Serial Entrepreneur & Founder of Red White & Badass Brew. The ride to success doesn't come easy, but these badass people did not quit. These heroic stories from badass people are told to help save lives and let you know you are not alone in these difficult times.

Pursue You - Spiritual Badass


I am a certified life, relationship, & spiritual coach & also coach soul connections like twin flames & soulmates. Email me for a free 30 minute discovery session or upgrade your first session to a full session for 50% off! This channel will cover spiritual topics that will be sure to help you along your journey, whether you're experiencing a spiritual awakening from a Twin Flame connection or otherwise. My channel is for anyone experiencing a spiritual awakening or that wants to further their spiritual or personal growth, or anyone that is seeking help along a Twin Flame journey. I have always known that one of my purposes in life would be to help people & along my own path I went from misery to peace. I went from living a life in the past & in the future, a life of self-rejection, self-sabotage, & anxiety to living in the present moment & self-acceptance. I want to share what I learned with the world! My page isn't just for those who are spiritual, as I cover a wide range of more secular topics too. Stop listening to the "coaches" who say fancy words & superficial motivational phrases but only touch the surface & don't tell you how to get there, that only want to keep you on as a client. That make videos about "Three things to say that WILL make him come back" and fill it with 10 minutes of nothing until they prompt you to sign up for something, or go to their website to find those "three things" - or even worse, lead you to their website that just has another 10 minute video of nothing until they tell you to sign up for their class at the end of that video. The only way to improve your life and relationships (of all kinds) is to improve yourself and take a look in the mirror. Your inner world is reflected in your outer world. I want to help you achieve that. Because of the rise in the popularity of the Twin Flame label, there are A LOT of misinformation out there regarding the subject. I want to set the record straight regarding the label, as the label can lead some down a toxic - or even dangerous path. I hope you all enjoy my content and get something positive out of it =) Also sure to follow me & become part of my spiritual badass crew 💀 ∞ I am also on YouTube: @pursueyou_spiritualbadass You can find links to my other social media pages below.