How to reach your ideal weight in a few weeks?

1 Follower

The challenges of several challenges of weight loss, enlarging the body and breasts, exercising without exercising with herbal supplements!... And every day I will post a video about how to exercise for weight loss and overall salad and diet foods with food plans: please support thank you Steady and permanent weight loss without hitting the gym, dieting or giving up your favorite foods. Your cravings are reduced, while your energy levels are at an all-time high. A body that's leaner, leaner and full of renewed energy, while you radiate a radiant glow of vitality that's impossible for others to ignore.

The Truth Seekers

1 Follower

Welcome to The Truth Seekers, a dedicated group committed to uncovering the hidden truths about the Bible, its teachings, events, and characters. For a better and more accurate understanding of the Biblical period, teachings, events, characters, traditions, and history, our research is rooted in ancient and Rabbinic literature, with significant contributions from archaeology. We adhere to rigorous research standards, approaching our investigations with a critical mindset and striving to uncover the genuine truth rather than selectively choosing convenient narratives. We remain open to criticism and new approaches, welcoming any findings that offer a more authentic perspective. Our unwavering commitment to truth and scholarly integrity guides all our endeavors.

The Weekend Prog

1 Follower

This week's word for the weekend on the ch1 Weekend Prog is a weekly programme with church leaders, special guests and professional film producers Stewart and Deborah who share about their work to help seekers find the narrow way which Jesus says FEW can find... With programmes to teach, uplift and edify as well as warnings and advice re the great apostasy - the falling away from Biblical Truth - as prophesied in The Bible. ====================== Browse through more than 25 channels (and counting) with dozens of experts talking about all sorts of subjects from a Biblical perspective by clicking here: or Please SUBSCRIBE at the red button and click the grey bell once you have done so, to stay updated about our new programmes. And if you have programme suggestions or would like to be involved with a truly global network of speakers which reach around the world, drop us an email via our website at Thank you - from our studios in Scotland which have been reaching out to the world for over 30 years of radio, TV, theatrical and digital productions! A truly Global ministry for the 21st century. 🧐 - For end time discernment and warnings go to Bethel Communications at 🧐- For end time discernment and warning VIDEOS go to ‘The Truth is Out There’ at 🧐- To check out our 25 channels and specials on YouTube click here 🧐- To catch up with other Weekend Progs, go directly to - or click on channel 1 on the Global Vision TV website at 🧐 +++++ MORE INFO +++++ Global Vision TV is the FREE internet TV network for Christians with over 25 channels and lots of SHORT answers from sound Bible teachers and experts to over 1,000 of YOUR questions. - Established in 2005, Global Vision TV has recently moved to the YT platform for the interim. - To be informed of new programmes & films, please click the big red SUBSCRIBE button / then the grey bell above OR at - More info on the website at