Springhill Church of Christ


The Springhill church of Christ is a group of Christians committed to following just the Bible in all that we say and do. Our goal is to be a local church like those found in the pages of the New Testament. Our collective worship and work reflect this focus. Our weekly uploads are Bible lesson presented by the Springhill church of Christ Evangelists. We invite you to study the Bible with us. Like those found in the pages of the New Testament the Springhill church is completely independent of all other churches. We would love for you to join us for worship. If you have any questions about what we do or concerns about whether we are following the New Testament, we sincerely encourage you to contact us. Mike Hughes on Social Media: △ http://www.mikealrhughes.com △ https://twitter.com/@mikeal_hughes △ https://instagram.com/macmikeal △ https://www.snapchat.com/add/macmikeal △ https://www.facebook.com/macmikeal △ Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-933671110 △ Rumble - rumble.com/user/SPHchurch All Business Inquiries use my contact: macmikeal@me.com Program inquire – sphcofc@gmail.com

DoubleARanch: American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, surviavalist self-sufficiency learners and educators, extreme 2A enthusiasts and prayerful stewards of what we have on loan from God. Verified


American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, Alpaca ranchers and lovers of God's greatest comedians...critters of all kinds but especially dogs. We are 2A enthusiasts, and veracious readers of our founding fathers and historical documents. In addition to educate other true conservatives for a return to traditional Paideia. This is the original liberal arts education for our children stemming from ancient Greece and Rome. This includes the basic 7 parts of a classical liberal arts education or a virtuous “Paideia” : Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy later to include Philosophy, Science, and Art. All were the education of our ancestors whether at home or Christian based and founded Universities.