Islamic Eschatology. Sheikh Imran Hosein


How the Dajjal system is enslaving humanity? Islamic eschatology refers to the beliefs in Islam regarding the end times and the events that will lead to the Day of Judgment. It encompasses various prophecies, signs, and events as outlined in the Quran and Hadith literature. Key themes include the appearance of the Mahdi (guided one), the return of Jesus (Isa), the emergence of the Dajjal (Antichrist), the coming of Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog), and the resurrection of the dead for judgment. Islamic eschatology is rich and diverse, with interpretations varying among different schools of thought within Islam.

Improve The Man


I am on a journey of self improvement and I want you to join me on this journey! Many people are struggling with problems in their lives, whether it is weight, depression, laziness, stuck in a rut, and many more things. I understand life can be difficult and we often hide ourselves away in a false reality, instead of confronting life head on. I hope to inspire others and maybe educate others by showing them my journey from being overweight and having no skills, to becoming an improved version of myself. Cheers!