learn Arabic/Conversation, Listening, Reading, Writing and Grammar


Learn Arabic by speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar\nBelajar bahasa Arab dengan berbicara, mendengarkan, membaca, menulis dan tata bahasa\nKonuşarak, dinleyerek, okuyarak, yazarak ve dilbilgisi ile Arapça öğrenin\nعربی کو بولنے ، سننے ، پڑھنے ، لکھنے اور گرائمر کے ذریعے سیکھیں\nApprenez l\'arabe en parlant, en écoutant, en lisant, en écrivant et en grammaire

Kids Tv - Preschool Learning Videos


Kids TV Preschool Learning is home to various popular nursery rhymes & kids songs featuring Bob the Train, Super Supremes, Junior Squad & more that educate & entertain toddlers & preschoolers through music & story-telling! Children can sing along to rhymes for kids & baby songs like Baby Shark, Wheels on the Bus, Johny Johny Yes Papa & more! Our animated videos for kids have been created to make learning fun, impart family values & encourage healthy habits while entertaining our babies, toddlers & preschoolers. Parents will realise that Kids TV Preschool Learning Channel is the ideal destination to not only acquire knowledge & thinking skills but also develop their child’s imagination & creativity. Parents will also enjoy our learning videos created for kids with preschool songs, funny cartoons & popular lullabies. Preschoolers, toddlers and babies can learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, shapes & more! #Preschool #KidsTV #NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs #BabySongs #BobTheTrain

Learn Piano with Michael


Michael has been passionately playing piano for over 40 years. After taking a Major in Music in Contemporary, Pop and Jazz at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada - Michael fell more in love with playing piano which led to leading praise and worship, teaching piano and voice, recording music and refining his gift over the years! Michael now wants to stir the same love of playing piano in you! With his method PianoMajor - all melody and harmonies are built around understanding the major scale and all rhythmic styles are established by the way the quarter note is divided or emphasized thus PianoMajor. Join Michael in learning these techniques - anyone can learn! Enjoy playing your favorite music, being creative and learning piano without sheet music or classical music training. Play modern styles such as Pop, Contemporary Christian, Worship, Jazz and Country! Check out his Foundations course here! And follow Michael for more great tips! https://www.learnpianowithmichael.com/

Unlearning w/ Luca


This page presents TWO radio broadcasts: LUCA'S WORLD ~ at www.republicbroadcasting.org Sundays at 4:00 PM central time, which reflects a bit more of today's events, and what resonates with me the most, some Spiritual content... and LEARN 2 UNLEARN ~ on www.shakeandwakeradio.com on Mondays at 4:00 PM central, where I focus more on health issues, Spirituality and becoming a better Human. It has become very apparent that we all now need to LEARN 2 UNLEARN everything we have assimilated, everything 'we've been told', since most of it WAS A LIE... This site is for those of us SEARCHING for answers, we are not here to 'convert' or to push our way on others... That is not our job. Since we all grow at different speeds, we need to be there for those who are now 'where we were then'... PLEASE SHARE WHAT YOU ENCONTER HERE... We CAN and we WILL make a difference!

One man, one song, one guitar, many towns


I am Rob, I currently travel the world with my wife Hannah. I pick up guitars wherever I can find them and play songs I like! After over a decade as a professional musician in the UK, Hannah and I left everything behind in Jan 2022 and have no plans to return home. My hope with this channel is to preserve some random songs and places as well as maybe to connect with a few musically like minded individuals around the world. Thanks for tuning in.



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I am a Patriotic American, a Conservative Republican!!! Our very Freedoms and Liberties are Disappearing every day! I will Bring You the Information that you Need and the Message will Be Clear! We Bring Liberty and Freedom to the American People! Best of all, we Provide a Great and Prosperous Future for All! We create a Stronger America! If we perform any of this by way of Government, then We have Not Tried Hard Enough! We must find a better way, We Must Find a Better Way!!! I will Show you the Real Truth of Republicanism, Our Values and Our Platform! God Bless America!

Middle-Aged Muscle Man Musician: Diet, Training and Supplementation


"Middle Aged Muscle Man Musician" (Professor Pump) is a channel created by Don Verb that gives weight training and overall fitness advice, suggested training programs and their results, dietary tips, supplement reviews, exercise descriptions and more. Our target audience is men over the age of 30 but our information is good for just about anyone. As of this writing, it's been just over nine months since I started my fitness journey and I've lost over 60 lbs and built a respectable amount of muscle. You will be following me on my journey and seeing the results in REAL time that my knowledge and effort can achieve. My goal is to SAVE YOU TIME, MONEY and ENERGY ... I've tried nearly everything and seen all of the 'science' proven or disproven since the 90s. I'm 41 Years of Age, with Countless Injuries and Limited Time & Money. Therefore, I'm attempting to prove that REAL muscle building can be done at any age and in any circumstance!