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Howard Koolman getting Political


Howard lives in Cornwall, England. A strong believer in Community, Freedom, Sovereignty - and that the Heart of Humanity blossoms when Humanity is free, and not being controlled, restricted and drained by endless laws, rules and TAXes. I also believe that humanity is at turning point in history, the old corrupt guard are rushing thru their plan to limit everyone's freedoms, while a more powerful group of leaders have entrapped them so the global corrupt Deep State will be exposed and can then be removed. However I do think this operation will likely take until 2030 to execute, the trickle down effect will take many years after that.

Politically Correcting


Challenging the status quo, POLITICALLY CORRECTING is a unique podcast and radio show where Latino Democrat JOSE PEO and Black Republican LAVELLE LEWIS engage in insightful discussions on political and social issues of the week. Peo – a local politician, veteran, and businessman – and Lewis – an historian, political pundit, and real estate professional – offer a refreshing perspective that transcends party lines as they come together to make sense of the narratives presented by mainstream media.