Film, entertainment, and sports interviews and event coverage shot, recorded, captured, edited, and conducted by the camera and editing suite of the editor / publisher / sole writer of The Movie Report / Film Flam Flummox, an outlet for reviews, interviews, and news since 1995. 's videos are not only intended as a preservation and historical document of various events attended and covered, but also that of of the voices and insights of the artists who devote their time, energy, lives, and souls to create their works, large and small.

Cop Cam Tube


Subscribe to avoid missing out! CopCamTube shares genuine & unbiased video of law enforcement captured via bodycams & dashcams for educational purposes only. All footage uploaded is classified by law as public information and is obtained directly from the agencies & departments involved in the videos. CopCamTube is not affiliated with any law enforcement agency. CopCamTube creates a storyline & trims down hours of footage to highlight the most educational & entertaining moments. All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. CopCamTube does not condone criminal activity or violence. The content featured on our channel is NOT intended to publicly shame or ridicule anyone involved in the incidents documented.


BitZZilla is a channel dedicated to useful finance information and education. BitZZilla will take a BYTE on how-to videos, useful financial content and trading tutorials on Cryptocurrency, BlockChain and Exchanges. Using technology to invest in other assets will all be here. #bitcoin Latest Crypto trends to hit the market! The whose who of the crypto, mining, Elon Musk etc As an affiliate, I earn a small amount from qualifying purchases Disclaimer: This video is intended for and only to be used for reference purposes only. No such information provided through BitZZilla constitutes advice or a recommendation that any investment or trading strategy is suitable for any specific person. Forecasts are based on industry trends, circumstances involving clients, and other factors, and they involve risks, variables, uncertainties. No guarantee presented or implied as to the accuracy of specific forecasts, projections.

E com o Vosso Espírito


Salve Maria Santíssima! Este canal, contando com as intercessões de São Tomás de Aquino, São Pio de Pieltrecina e, claro, de Nossa Senhora, pretende divulgar os ensinamentos católicos com a leitura diária da Catena Áurea, podendo, eventualmente, trazer algum outro tesouro das riquezas da Santa Igreja Católica. Pretende-se começar com o próximo ano litúrgico, que se inicia em 28 de novembro de 2021. Que este canal seja útil para a salvação das almas e ajude na reaproximação daqueles que, como eu, ficaram afastados do que realmente importa: Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Viva Cristo Rei!


Hi, We're Dr. Sam Sims and Breanne Sims, RN. We worked for a decade to lose weight, we were overweight and at risk for many health conditions. We counted calories, macros, worked out, had our DNA tested, tried multiple diets and followed the recommendations of healthcare professionals. And being in healthcare, we knew what the textbooks said: "Eat Less, Exercise More." But nothing was working and we thought it was our fault. And then we learned that "Eat Less and Exercise More" has over a 99% long-term failure rate.* After a DECADE of trying to reach our goals with a 1% chance of success, we started Flexible Fasting and found out we were ONLY 6 months away from our goals the whole time!!! Today, we are living well below our original goal weights and have finally been able to maintain them long term. We were able to get our lives back with Flexible Fasting and so can you! Check out

Cops and Writers Podcast


Cops and Writers is a podcast hosted by retired police sergeant and author, Patrick O'Donnell. The podcast provides valuable insights and humor for crime writers who want to create accurate and believable police stories. O'Donnell conducts in-depth interviews with members of law enforcement and civilian experts, discussing police procedures and culture. He also interviews crime fiction writers and writers from different genres, discussing what works in the ever-changing landscape of book sales and publishing. The podcast offers candid stories told with cop humor and technical details about the world of law enforcement.