Coke Studio


Coke Studio Pakistan features the best of Pakistani music by bringing together some of the finest singers, musicians and composers and giving them a platform to celebrate Pakistan’s rich musical heritage. Encompassing all genres of music; from Classical, Bhangra, Contemporary, Hip Hop to Rock and Pop Music, Coke Studio has proudly featured Pakistan’s finest musical talents such as Ali Zafar, Ali Sethi, QB, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Momina Mustehsan, Atif Aslam and continues to dig deep into finding hidden talent and celebrating it across Pakistan.

Video Free Kekistan


Big Brother is coming to a communist regime near you thanks to SJWs! The Globalists are triggering poor Alex Jones by turning the friggin' frogs gay! Gamers and GamerGaters just want to be left alone. Islam isn't an ethnicity (nor pro feminist/nor a religion of peace). Your tinfoil hat won't save you! Covering the Battle of Berkeley, Kekistan, Steve Shives, Antifa, Based Stick Man, Yale student temper tantrums, safe spaces, Milo Yiannopoulos and his censorship and more in this depressing, yet ultimately dank song. Shadilay my fellow Kekistani brethren!