Vagabond Hobbyist


This channel is everything from me playing video games to doing art projects and riding my horse Etta. A little background info on Etta: Etta was born in 2010 and is an OTTB who raced 22 times and was a broodmare until I bought her in February of 2022. At the time Etta wasn't ridden much before I bought her. Most of her life was either spent on the track or in paster fields. Now she is learning how to be a trail and all-around well-rounded horse. She is also the first horse I have ever owned. On this channel, I will be documenting our trials and successes together as we both learn and grow.



Can you find the 10 mistakes below? Greetings, internet world! My name is Andrew, and I am you’re friendly neighbourhood English teacher. I've been teaching for 10 year’s, which means I'm basicly a pro at saying bad jokes and making grammar fun (or atleast bearable). I started this YouTube channel as a way too share my love of english and as a creative outlet. When I'm not teaching or making videos, you can usually find me exploring the streets and beaches of Vancouver. So if you're looking four someone to help you navigate the confusing waters of English grammar, or just want to here some terrible puns, you've come to the right place. Stick around and let's dive into the wild and wonderful world of the English language togather!