Ted Mahr - Out of this World Radio


Out of this World Radio & TV is a listener supported nonprofit channel dedicated to making this world a much better and happier place! OTW Radio was started by Ted Mahr in November 2013 in Seattle USA on KKNW 1150 AM to help raise consciousness and help humanity with the coming Ascension. Ted’s spiritual journey started in 1994 with the help of his foster mother (Teri) who taught him how to talk to Angels and the other side. Since then, he has been on an incredible spiritual quest. He regularly talks to John F. Kennedy, Albert Einstein, Nostradamus, the Pleiadians, and the Galactic Alliance in the 5th and higher dimensions. Ted also time travels and can remote view any event in the past, present, or future. He teaches people how to talk to the other side, and has a spiritual mentoring program, and gives psychic readings. He takes people annually to Mt. Shasta in Northern California, Sedona in Arizona, and Machu Picchu in Peru. He also has a Galactic Wisdom Conference during the second weekend of March every year. See: www.galacticwisdomconference.com He has published three books (Messages from the Masters, Die ganze Welt wird EINS sein! (The Whole World Will be as ONE!), Journey to the Other Side): Talking to Angels and other benevolent beings, And as the Hopi Indians explain, we are now at a crossroads in human history – between ascending to the higher dimensions or destroying ourselves. Join us in creating a beautiful new and happy future for all of humanity with the help of God and our Angels! Let’s begin our wonderful new spiritual journey to create this beautiful New Earth! See: www.outofthisworld1150.com and www.outofthisworldreadings.com Email: outofthisworldradio@protonmail.com .

Dreaded Patriots Radio Show


The Dreaded Patriots Radio Show is a weekly discussion of culture from a biblical and constitutional viewpoint from the perspective of 3 above average dads that still love America! Our focus is to empower, equip, and educate listeners so they will respond confidently to the onslaught of state and corporate propaganda. We’re calling out the church to engage in politics and christians to once again lead culture with morality and truth! Join us for an hour of ridiculous banter and unpredictable wisdom from the Dreaded Patriots.