The Government is a Platypus


Our goal here is to talk about the things that you don’t talk about in polite company in a way that makes them suitable for polite company. That’s things like religion and politics. We seek an exploration of classical liberalism amid the turmoil of expansive government. We also enjoy art and science. History and archaeology too are on the menu. Think of an old fancy club where people would sit and, while having a brandy and cigar, discuss the world. Perhaps they would argue a bit, but all in an earnest and sincere desire to learn and engage. Calling names, or bending logic to make a point, is beneath us because we know they are really cheats and don’t win us points in the real world. The mind is sacrosanct and cannot be broken. Liberty is the rule of law. Longer form articles appear on the blog: We highly encourage you to read these long form articles when they are posted as they inform the discussion. Posts on Facebook are generally accompanied by a link. Other than the long form blog posts that link serves to show you what motivated my thinking which resulted in my comment on it. The comment is the real point, not the link. Most often there is a line or two, or even just the headline, that sparked an idea. Finding ideas and thinking about them is called pondering. We highly recommend the practice to you! We are on YouTube as well with a channel of commentary and some humor: There you will find a cast of characters discussing the topics of the day from their various points of view. Behind it all you will find me, the Platypus.