Freedom to Listen

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Throughout human history, tyrants have controlled what their citizens are allowed to hear. The United States stripped tyrants of this power by acknowledging freedom of speech as a basic right for all its citizens. As a result, the United States has been free from such tyranny for much of its existence. Today its citizens have lost the right to speak freely, which in turn has restrained all citizens from freely listening. Freedom to Listen is a song that shines some light on these restraints.

Pets Garden

1 Follower

Want to see your favorite pets grow bigger, plumper, and more beautiful? You've come to the right garden! At Pets Garden, we show you how to take care of all your pet plants and get them ready for the best summer ever. Subscribe to my channel for weekly pet gardening and landscaping tips. watch my channel for great pet care tips and clips of the best pets in the world! Watch your pets grow and play in an interactive garden while they do their business. Collect poop, feed them, and take care of plants. Learn how to plant your own pet friendly garden in your home or office. Join us in our quest to ensure that all pets have a healthy and happy life.

The Garden

1 Follower

Long-time friends and ideological opponents, Jim and Jeff, find ways to meet amongst the unnerving and rocky terrain of common ground. Coming from two different sides of important social, economic, and political topics, these friends, along with special guests, find ways to understand the viewpoint of those with whom they typically disagree. Tempers occasionally flare, and topics wander, as Jim and Jeff navigate the waters of disaster, loyalty, and patriotism, while above all, appreciating their differences and working to maintain their friendship.