In dogs we trust


Welcome to "In Dogs We Trust, Inc.", where we are dedicated to training and customer service MASTER OF ALL TASKS Our team is led by Mr. Aerion "Cigar" Stephenson, a talented and gifted trainer since 1972, and founder of "In Dogs We Trust, Inc." Cigar's expertise includes more than just a few aspects of training. He has an incredible working knowledge of many breeds, with an astounding understanding of their origin, purpose, and differences. Cigar understands that a good trainer takes as much time with each dog as is necessary, because no two dogs learn at the same rate. We, at I.D.W.T, understand what a trainer's real purpose is. The ideal trainer is one who is experienced at teaching you to train your own dog. Most importantly, our goal is to service the needs and requests of every client. We are confident that when you use our services no problem will go unsolved.



Veja mais e mais da nossa vida.... SEJA MEMBRO INSTAGRAM: @carol.e.fabio @fabiofurtado_oficial CONTATO PROFISSIONAL E CONSULTORIAS - RECEBA DESCONTO NA PRIMEIRA TRANSAÇÃO ATRAVÉS DOS NOSSOS LINKs E AJUDE O CANAL. NÃO VAI TE CUSTAR NADA. 💶💶: AirBnB💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶:💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: WISE:💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶:💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: 💶💶: _____________________________________________________________ Carol e Fabio AQAB

Nightmares in Disguise - Pranking at Its Scariest


[Intro] Welcome to my channel! This video is a unique take on the popular prank genre. Today, I'm going to be showing you some creative, spooky, and downright terrifying pranks that are guaranteed to cause some serious scares. So if you're brave enough, then let's get right into today's video! [Section 1: Home Pranks] Let's start off with some pranks that can be done around the house. One of my favorites is something I like to call the 'Crawling Demon'. To do this prank, you'll need a sheet and some red light. First, cover your head with the sheet so that only your eyes are visible. Then, turn on the red light and move around the house crouching and crawling to give it a truly ghostly effect. The end result will be sure to make your victims shake in their boots! Another fun idea is to try some classic spooky noises. Dig out the soundboard from your horror movies and start playing the most spine-tingling sound effects you can find. Hide around the corner of the room, and wait for your victims to arrive and start screaming. [Section 2: Public Pranks] Now, let's talk about some pranks that can be done in public. One of my favorite outdoor pranks is what I like to call 'The Scream Walk'. All you need is a megaphone and an eerie costume. Choose an area full of people, like a park or a festival, and start walking while playing loud, creepy soundscapes through the megaphone. This is sure to shock and startle everyone around you. Finally, you can also try a good old-fashioned haunted house. Choose a location where you can setup multiple transparent sheets hanging from the ceiling. Fill the area with fog or mist and play some spooky soundtracks in the background. You don't even have to be inside the actual house for this prank to scare your victims! [Conclusion] Well, that's it for today's video. I hope that you found these pranks fun and entertaining - and I hope that most importantly, your victims were sufficiently scared. Thanks for watching, and if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button. See you all soon!