My transformation
7 FollowersTopics on transgender, LGBTQI, ex gay, Jesus
Topics on transgender, LGBTQI, ex gay, Jesus
This channel is going to be tutorials and gameplay for some survivalist games that I play. 7DtD, Conan Exiles, Green Hell, Ark, The Forest, Subnautica, Subsistence
Random personal videos and filmmaking.
In an age where perception is fact and negativity and conflict remain entertainment, it can be difficult and sometimes troubling to find a positive and try and understand another\\\'s perspective. Twice a month, (every first and third Wednesday) join Josh C. Jones, an author, writer, media freelancer, self-proclaimed philosopher, and a wannabe entertainer, as he discusses different topics in an attempt to showcase a differing perspective with a nugget of positivity and truth. Whether you agree or disagree, if you have an itch for agreement, seeing the world from a different perspective, growing your understanding, or for learning, then this podcast is for you. The Mission of From My Standpoint is "To find a nugget of positivity and a hidden truth, to encourage an enlightening insight, to entertain a new perspective, and to provide some amusement for our life, our world, and our thinking for those interested in learning, growing, and further understanding through another perspective." We are here to Enjoy, Entertain, Encourage, and Enlighten.
Welcome to our YouTube channel, "Discovering Cuba!" Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and fascinating traditions of the captivating country of Cuba. Our channel here on Rumble provides an exciting look at Cuban culture with a variety of content covering different topics.Join us on a virtual journey as we delve into the unique aspects of Cuba's art, music, dance, cuisine, and much more. Discover the beautiful architecture of Havana, Trinidad, and Santiago de Cuba, which reflects a captivating mix of Spanish, African, and Caribbean styles. These cities are home to stunning buildings that offer a unique cultural experience.We'll guide you through the historic landmarks, colorful neighborhoods, and hidden gems that make Cuban cities so enchanting.
my channal funny and motivatin video
Metal Detecting, Underwater Metal Detecting, magnate fishing and normal fishing
This channel is for those who like to see things that are entertaining, educational or informative then channel is for you
The Bible News and Things that matter
Hi! I'm Mituwel Dofu, and I make a lot of videos about health, fitness, nutrition, and weight loss. Most of my videos are super upbeat and friendly, but this one is going to be a little different. It's one of the hardest videos that I've ever made. It's kind of a big deal. In the past six years there have been two very hard times in my life where food has been the only thing that kept me going. I've gained over 100 pounds (and lost it!) using food as both a punishment and reward system. And in the process I gained an enormous amount of weight, wrecked my knees, damaged my wrists and injured pretty much every part of my body. This video is about that journey, why I did it and (probably most importantly) how I stopped doing it!
Description Variety Streamer that enjoys pc and Tabletop gaming. My YouTube will be a mix of TTRPG content and my Gaming content. I have decided to combine both channels since my Gaming Channel was hard to keep up with along with this primary channel. Channel Sponsors: Code "GROCK" will garner 5% off any purchase at Channel Sponsor: Use Code: "BaronGrock" for a discount ----------------------------------------------------------- Please Support My Channel: Patreon: Donation: Direct Donation: My Socials Twitter Discord Guilded Facebook The merch is here
To My Kids
This channel is dedicated to my puppy if you like puppies then this channel is for you.
Life of a solo camping day by day
Create Passive Income Doing Work You LOVE!
videos of guest interviews, photos of harvest and poses of harvests
These are videos of my hobbies and creations
Welcome to "My Hospice Life", where we explore the profound, the poignant, and the deeply personal stories from the front lines of end-of-life care. I'm your host, Derek J. Flores R.N. C.H.P.N., and in this series, we delve into the hearts and minds of those who work in hospice, the patients they serve, and the families touched by this delicate journey. Each episode, we will share narratives that celebrate life, honor the process of letting go, and illuminate the human experience in its most vulnerable moments. From the laughter and tears to the quiet, sacred spaces of farewell, "My Hospice Life" aims to shed light on the beauty and complexity of the end-of-life journey. Join us as we listen, learn, and reflect on what it truly means to live, love, and say goodbye. This is "My Hospice Life" - a podcast where every story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
this is a channel to showcase the creations of my Love
I upload vlogging video in my farm if u like my content then you can subscribe me
My name is Greg and I reside a little east of Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Here you'll find videos about the things I enjoy doing the most in my free time, including Jeeping (modifying, off roading), welding, machining, DIY fabrication, wood working, or anything else that suits me. I am a maker and enjoy building things myself, even when I can buy it cheaper or I don't know quite what I am doing. But we can all learn along the way. Be sure to follow me on instagram @mylilmule for random tidbits and check out my blog at for more detailed project information.
Videos varying widely in subject material
Simple, easy, authentic and tasty food with happy cooking......،, 😋
MY TALKING ANGELA Angela Talking angela My Talking angela friend angela angela angela My angelas angela Angela angela angela angela angela ❤❤❤ Angela 2 TalkingAngela lover My Bu the virtual Bunny bu bu the virtual Bunny My Talking Angela 2
At My Outdoor Review, we test and experiment with the best products for the avid outdoorsman (or woman!)
let' Rumble
Covering politics and religion, staying grounded in reality.
Conscious Narrations
Rumble channel please follow me.
Season 6 Sept 2023/ 5784 Season 5 scheduled to begin September 5783/2022 with two tbd breaks of the season. Marie Speaks GOD's Grace Bible Study Website link: Rumble Link: Marie Speaks G-D's Grace Welcome the following is a brief review of this Bible Study. 1. This BLOG post will have the resources and sources links for the Season 5 Bible Studies . 2. All Books used and Readings from during Live Bible Study can be found on Our Website: Marie Speaks GOD’s Grace. Live in the Season 5 portion of the website. 3. After Live Bible Studies have completed: I will upload to Rumble, and post link in this BLOG. How we conduct Bible Studies here: We believe in One and Only One G-D. HaShem; The G-D of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Exodus chapter 20: 2-14. God spoke all these words, saying: I the LORD am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall have no other gods besides Me. You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image, or any likeness of what is in the heavens above, or on the earth below, or in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I the LORD your God am an impassioned God, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments. We believe G-D has called each of us to search matters out. (It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, And the glory of a king to plumb a matter. Like the heavens in their height, like the earth in its depth, Is the mind of kings—unfathomable.. Proverbs 25:2 -3) This is one reason why here at Marie Speaks G-D’s Grace Bible Study, we review several historical references and resources, of which we provide links and or screen shots for others to study at their leisure. We have been directed by G-D Wonderful and Almighty, to go Book by Book, Verse by Verse; sharing HIS Torah and Tanakh. We believe as directed by G-D Our Heavenly Father, learning and growing in Torah and Tanakh leads to understanding and wisdom; this shall only be achieved in reading, studying, and sharing HIS Word for ourselves; not relying on man. Learning, growing, and studying with OUR L-D is to be done with others that are like minded, but more so during our personal time. The BLOGs are written to assist those just beginning to study the BIBLE as a starting point. The Live or recorded Bible Studies are to cover and release opportunities and guidance, but ultimately is ones own personal responsibility to rule, govern, and be purposeful in their relationship with G-D. Proverbs 22: 4 thru 6 The effect of humility is fear of the LORD, Wealth, honor, and life. Thorns and snares are in the path of the crooked; He who values his life will keep far from them. Train a lad in the way he ought to go; He will not swerve from it even in old age. Ezekiel 18: 20 thru 22 The person who sins, he alone shall die. A child shall not share the burden of a parent’s guilt, nor shall a parent share the burden of a child’s guilt; the righteousness of the righteous shall be accounted to him alone, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be accounted to him alone. Moreover, if the wicked one repents of all the sins that he committed and keeps all My laws and does what is just and right, he shall live; he shall not die. None of the transgressions he committed shall be remembered against him; because of the righteousness he has practiced, he shall live. Is it my desire that a wicked person shall die?—says the L-d G-D. It is rather that he shall turn back from his ways and live. May HaShem, Blessed be He continue to Bless us all and may we all be forever written in the Book of Life. O'Amein and O'Amein PRAY FOR OUR NATION, enemies, and many lost Returns. GOD IS ON THE MOVE!!!!! Blessings, Marie Link:
Sharing Videos of my Cute and Fluffy Pets
Just a roblox fan sharing my most favorite moments in roblox
Welcome to my Racing Pigeon Channel,\nI will share my knowledge in Racing Pigeons
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