

Through this channel, we invite you to join our thriving community of seekers, believers, and learners. Share your thoughts, testimonies, and prayers as we unite in our quest for understanding and spiritual growth. Together, we embrace the profound grace of the Psalms, finding comfort in their words during times of trial and rejoicing in their jubilant anthems of celebration. Let us walk hand in hand on this sacred path, discovering the everlasting treasures of the Psalms together. Subscribe now and be a part of this divine expedition – a place where faith, wisdom, and joy converge, and the Psalms continue to echo through eternity."



Hello There! I just broke free from the small world of music that I was used to and am now exploring all the incredible sounds the world has to offer! As a dancer and singer, I love sharing this musical adventure on YouTube. Join me as I dive into diverse genres, uncover hidden gems, and get introduced to new tunes. I'm a Nigerian living in Germany with my wonderful German husband, and together, we’re discovering a symphony of global music. But wait, there's more! I also react to comedy, history, vintage TV, pop culture, viral moments, and anything else that makes life fun and interesting. So, come for the music, stay for the laughs and the nostalgia

Nurse Sarah Jeffries


My name is Sarah Jeffries, a registered nurse with a Master’s of Science degree in Nursing MSN. I have been Nursing since 2009 - Where I have worked in the Emergency Room as well as educating other Nurse from around the world MEDICAL DISCLAIMER ​ Although I am a nurse by profession, I am not YOUR nurse. All content and information on this youtube channel and from me is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and does not establish any kind of patient-client relationship by your use of this website. This is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any professional, legal, medical, and financial or tax-related decisions. ​ If you have a medical emergency call 911