The Weather'd Report


"The only winning move is, not to play the game!" and That is what The Weather'd Report is all about Me and my co-hosts will discuss and debate the news of the day while steering the listeners to a realm where you are the master of your success. From Survival to Art, from Music to Gardening, from practical living to prepping for emergencies. Our listeners will find something to grab on to, something to sink there teeth into and learn that freedom must be taken, it cannot be given to you

Sars-cov2 investigations and Politics


Sars-cov2 investigations, updates on mrna technology, adverse event data and whistleblowers see more at telegram: (PayPal) Support HighWire: Support goyimtv: Buy soap, shirts and flyers: Get you Epstein Crimemap:

Real Reporter


Real Reporter is a YouTube channel dedicated to bringing you deep dive, documentary-style videos that offer unique insights from real people's perspectives. Amid a world increasingly polarized and sceptical of mainstream media, my mission is to deliver authentic, balanced, and unbiased content. I delve into pressing issues, giving voice to the unheard and showcasing the human element often overlooked in traditional news reporting. By focusing on individuals and their stories, this channel fosters understanding and empathy, striving to bridge the divides with every episode. Join me and be part of a community that values truth, empathy, and understanding above all!



This is the uncensored channel for The Spectrum Report. Here we will host EXCLUSIVE CONTENT not available 🤐 on our YouTube channel or Facebook channels. Many of the concerns our users and viewers face are things that are often censored on other social media platforms. But, if we are going to help you, we need to be able to talk about these issues, interview people who are experts in their field, and hear from parents & caregivers. So, join us here to speak freely about issues surrounding, life, health, and the Spectrum. If you find value in what we share, please share it, too.

Calvary Prophecy Report


I have been teaching Bible prophecy and how it relates to current events for nearly two decades. You can find me listed on Who's Who In Bible Prophecy as one of the top Bible prophecy experts of our generation. I am an author, teacher, speaker and founder of My website provides Biblical insight into current world events and prophecy updates that keep you informed as to where we are on God's prophetic calendar. I emphasize a pre-tribulation rapture of the church and the soon coming seven-year peace treaty with Israel. I have authored and charted a chronological timeline that details the events of the tribulation period, Millennium, judgments, and the Eternal State. I also have a tribulation period survival section for those left behind. This channel is dedicated to teaching the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and presenting videos that describe the signs leading up to the rapture and events of the tribulation period.