Terra das Borboletas


Terra das Borboletas é um canal fundado em 2022, dedicado a apresentar ao público em geral os encantos e fascínios do universo particular destes insetos. São trazidas curiosidades, informações sobre diferentes espécies, suas características, onde podem ser encontradas, como observá-las e muito mais. Roteiros, imagens e apresentação: Maristela Zamoner, bióloga, mestre em zoologia, experiência com lepidópteros desde 1997, em laboratório, Unidades de Conservação e outras áreas. Experiência em docência no ensino superior. 1o lugar mundial em registros de borboletas na maior plataforma de biodiversidade de planeta, iNaturalist. Autora de diversos livros na área de borboletas, entre eles "Observação de borboletas", Comfauna, 2019. Supervisão científica, de divulgação e consultoria técnica: Deni Lineu Schwartz Filho, biólogo, mestre em entomologia, empresário, experiência em manejo e conservação de fauna silvestre, docência em ensino superior e atuação em políticas ambientais.

The "Brew For Change" Interactive


The "Brew For Change" Interactive https://www.udemy.com/course/the-brew-for-change-interactive/ We are dedicated to ending homelessness among Veterans by providing comprehensive support and resources. Our mission is to ensure that every Veteran has access to stable housing, mental health care, and job opportunities. Through targeted outreach, partnerships with local organizations, and advocacy, we strive to address the root causes of veteran homelessness and create sustainable solutions. By empowering those who have served our country, we aim to build a future where no Veteran is left without a home. Together we can make a difference. Homelessness among Veterans is a profound issue that affects thousands of men and women who have served their country. Many Veterans face unique challenges in transitioning from military to civilian life, leading to a crisis where the sacrifices of service are met with instability, lack of support, and homelessness. Our mission is to address this urgent issue by providing comprehensive support and resources, ensuring that every Veteran has access to stable housing, mental health care, and job opportunities. Through targeted outreach, partnerships with local organizations, and robust advocacy efforts, we aim to address the root causes of Veteran homelessness. By doing so, we create sustainable solutions that empower those who have served our country, helping them rebuild their lives and secure a future filled with stability, opportunity, and dignity. Our vision is clear: a world where no Veteran is left without a home. Let's collaborate! Thanks, Jack Bosma https://meetn.com/jackbosma tutorjacknetwork@gmail.com "Inspect what you expect."



Welcome to Vesotera! 'A Quest for Meaning and Enlightenment' Here, we embark on a remarkable quest for meaning and enlightenment, exploring the mysteries of the spiritual and esoteric world. It's a journey through the depths of ancient wisdom, mystical teachings, and the vast cosmos to uncover the hidden truths of our existence and nurture our spiritual development. My heartfelt mission is to gently encourage you to explore the depths of your own consciousness and, together, illuminate our shared path toward meaning and enlightenment. I aim to help you rise above society's materialistic pressures and lovingly reawaken the true essence of your being. Your support helps keep our shared exploration alive! Every like, comment, share, and subscription helps us delve even deeper into our journey together. Thank you for being part of our community!