La Chronique Nationale

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Unique And Funny Animal Videos

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Fat cats are cute, but not every cat that looks like it has a big belly is overweight. Although the part of a cat\'s underside that swings when it walks may look like a paunch, it\'s actually not a tummy at all. So what is it? That bit of skin, fur and fat is a protective layer called the primordial pouch. It\'s positioned along the length of a cat\'s belly. These pouches are perfectly normal and healthy, said José Arce, president-elect of the American Veterinary Medical Association. All cats have primordial pouches, but they vary greatly in size; some are almost undetectable. It\'s easiest to see a small pouch when it flops back and forth as a cat runs. There are three main theories as to why cats have primordial pouches, Arce told Live Science. The first is that it protects the internal organs in a fight by adding an extra layer between claws or teeth and the feline\'s insides.