Stoicism in a Nutshell


“Stoicism in a Nutshell” is a channel dedicated to bringing the timeless wisdom of Stoic philosophy to everyday life. Whether you're looking for peace of mind, resilience in the face of challenges or practical tips for living a more virtuous life, this channel breaks down complex Stoic teachings into simple, actionable advice. Through engaging discussions, real-world applications and insightful reflections, we explore how Stoicism can help you navigate modern life with calm, purpose and strength. If you're looking for clear, concise guidance on how to live a life of wisdom and tranquility, you've come to the right place!

Come to Meme


Come to Meme 😎 Satify Urur Needs 😏 Vote for 🌎 World Peace ✌️ by clicking Follow! 🙏 Join me as I bring you the funniest memes on the web 🥸 Let's share some laughs! 😄 Some are already calling this the funniest show online! They shall remain anonymous, however. 😉 On this channel, I share compilations of funny memes of all kinds (from the funniest videos, to the funniest GIF/picture-and-text memes on the internet) and my reactions to each of them! 😎 Remember, on this channel 😹 if you laugh, you win! 😂 We all know it's best to discuss life and current world events through memes, because we can all laugh and have fun together, as a fun community! 😎 Join the community! 🙌 Click to Follow 👉 Enjoying this channel? You might enjoy my other channels as well: James "Immortal CORE" Jabbour: Immortal CORE Yoga: Come to Meme @CometoMeme

Remigration ou Extermination


Cette chaîne offre une analyse incisive et implacable des périls incarnés par ces envahisseurs venus d'Afrique, déjà ancrés dans notre monde sans même avoir eu besoin de défoncer nos remparts. Leur infiltration insidieuse et leur parasitisme latent gangrènent notre civilisation. Notre mission ? Réveiller les consciences des autochtones de souche, leur ouvrir les yeux sur cette contamination rampante qui érode les fondements même de notre survie collective.