Paranormal Investigator


Nós do Paranormal Investigator, apresentamos investigações reais de paranormalidade. Onde se você não acredita na exitência do mundo sobrenatural, pelo menos vai se arrepiar! E pode não dormir a noite, pois suspense e terror não falta, na seleção de videos destes corajosos investigadores. Onde os mesmo lhes dão cara a cara com espiritos bons e espiritos Diabólicos. Cada Vídeo o seu coração saltará para fora do peito. We at Paranormal Investigator, present more real paranormality. Where you don't believe in the exit from the supernatural world, at least you'll get goosebumps! And you may not sleep at night, as there is no shortage of suspense and terror, in the selection of courageous investigative videos. Where they are face to face with good spirits and evil spirits. Every video your heart will jump out of your chest.



Hi,This is Naseem Akhtar Siddiqui,Stage Name NaseemAliSiddiqui, I am well known in Pakistan For my Ghazal , Folk , Maya , Bollywood cover , Naat , Qawali , Classical and Panjabi Songs. I perform In Personal Functions and Marriages My Social Media : Facebook: Tiktok Main Account : Tiktok Second Account : Instagram : SnackVideo : For Function purposes You can contact me By This Phone number or My instagram. My Whatsapp Number Is same As Follow Contact : +923135200540 Thanks for Choosing My Content. ‎@tseries ‎@PTCPunjabi ‎@TharProductionPak ‎@NaseemAliSiddiquiii