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Maggie's Mornings With Jesus


Come hear about some good news! I am on a mission to fulfill God's purpose for me, through sharing the love of Jesus. I am just a broken person who is being restored, and renewed every day because of Jesus's amazing love. On this channel you will hear me read daily scripture and devotionals, as I walk this wonderful journey of life. I'm always learning, and growing, and there is no judgment, only love and compassion here. There is brokenness in the world & I believe it is crucial that Christ centered leaders step up to mend it. "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." -Matthew 5:16 My goal is to do my part in bringing the church (God's Children... The Body Of Christ) together, with truth from the word of God alone, so that we may soon become built up in love and work properly in order to effectively do what we are called to do. I also will be sharing with you how the word of God is moving in my life as I continue to humbly learn and grow in God's love.