Firearms, Hunting, and Outdoor lifestyle


Welcome to American Arms Channel. This channel serves as a platform to share experiences in the field chasing wild game and inciteful reviews on firearms, gear, and ammo. If you like what you have seen, hit the subscribe button and notification bell to stay up to date on all my latest hunts and reviews. Detailed viewer questions and private conversations, as well as industry contacts regarding product evaluations and reviews may be made at Check out our Wordpress blog at You can also find American Arms Channel on these Social Media Platforms: Facebook - Bitchute - UGEtube - As always, God Bless and Keep Your Powder Dry

Prophetic Fire


Welcome to Prophetic Fire! This channel is dedicated to exploring and sharing the Word of God, the prophetic, and prophetic words. I am passionate about experiencing and showcasing the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the world today. Join me for: In-depth teachings from the Bible. Inspirational prophetic messages and insights. Real-life testimonies of the Holy Spirit’s work. Guidance on how to cultivate a deeper relationship with God and operate in the prophetic. Whether you’re new to faith or a seasoned believer, my aim is to encourage and equip you in your spiritual journey. Subscribe and be a part of this vibrant community, ignited by the fire of God’s Spirit!

First Anime


Welcome to Primeiro Anime! Your gateway to dive into the incredible world of anime. Here, you'll find reviews, analyses, theories, recommendations, and the latest news from the otaku universe. From timeless classics to exciting new releases, we explore every detail of your favorite series. If you love epic adventures, captivating characters, and breathtaking stories, Primeiro Anime is the perfect place for you! Subscribe and join our community of anime lovers. This translation maintains the tone and message of the original while appealing to English-speaking audiences.



WATCHFIRE is a ministry that understands the times in which we now live... and has as its mission to "bring the Living Word to those living in the world" and its mandate that "the fire shall ever be burning... it shall never go out" (Leviticus 6:13). With steadfast resolve & fervent prayer we research and study the events of our time, and history, in the light of prophecy; we reveal the entities operating behind the scenes and expose the strategies of darkness; we engage in the battle through evangelism, apologetics, deliverance, and with the Sword of the Spirit.... All while encouraging, edifying and motivating the Church to be the impact God has called us to be! It is time to stand in the power of the Spirit proclaiming the Gospel message, fulfilling the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Glory of the Father and in the most precious name of Jesus Christ!