Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel. I've been sharing tips and tricks from personal experience as well as from other experts on how to successfully lose weight, get back into shape, learn how to change your eating habits and put yourself on the path of a


Hi! I'm Mituwel Dofu, and I make a lot of videos about health, fitness, nutrition, and weight loss. Most of my videos are super upbeat and friendly, but this one is going to be a little different. It's one of the hardest videos that I've ever made. It's kind of a big deal. In the past six years there have been two very hard times in my life where food has been the only thing that kept me going. I've gained over 100 pounds (and lost it!) using food as both a punishment and reward system. And in the process I gained an enormous amount of weight, wrecked my knees, damaged my wrists and injured pretty much every part of my body. This video is about that journey, why I did it and (probably most importantly) how I stopped doing it!

Backstage Mood


I like to play music in the background while working or just relaxing depending on my mood, but I wouldn't enjoy any music, as I would need it to have enough "energy" and "presence" but also, not too much to grab my attention or make me pull memories. It turns out the ones that I enjoyed are rare and all happen to have a certain characteristic related to the pitch, tones, and overall what I would call "complexity". So I started to compose tracks that I can enjoy, and after a while, I figured out that I'm certainly not the only person who would appreciate these compositions so I shared them on Youtube for everyone else. I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you meet your mood of the moment. If so, please like and subscribe, and I will keep composing and sharing!

BackCountry X-Plane Pilot


Hello, you maybe you are or maybe your not wondering what is Backcountry X-Plane pilot all about? Well, it’s about putting some fun and challenge back into your simulator flying. My website and this YouTube channel is designed to help you explore the many backcountry airports and put some fun, and challenges back into your simulator virtual reality flying. We will explore some of the best destinations to fly to and the equipment we will need to do it. We will discover and fly into the many hidden backcountry airports everyone else is flying over. And, we will do it with the challenge of real time flight simulator weather. Subscribe to the channel and join us on some epic journeys. Leave us a comment or two. Visit my website at https://www.BackcountryXplanePilot.com for more insight on virtual reality (VR) simulator flying.