Free Bible Commentary
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Free Bible Commentary.\\\\n\\\\n
Podcast on current events and social commentary
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The place to learn from fights and other people's mistakes. Always walk away from a fight. If you must get some exposure, then watch this channel instead.
We chronicle the commercial conquest of space through multimedia. Cajole the industry by bringing awareness to Companies, Investors, Consumers and People interested in space. Critique the industry with constructive criticism and honest fact checking. It is our Future, it is our Passion.
Ilana Rachel Daniel is a writer and commentator seeking to initiate dialogue that raises the frequency, that demands of us to become the better that awaits in potential, to think wider, to make connections. Fact based topics, uncensored and authentic
DND 5E Guides and Tutorials
Media Sharing form the Assembly and its Common Law Sheriffs
Daily radio show with JJS & Lady Liberty at 7AM each weekday morning on Liberty Broadcasting out of Spokane, Washington. A Radio Free Redoubt production.
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Unity Communion... is a Full Gospel of Jesus Christ believing group of believers of Jesus. We put to life the Great Commission of Mark 16:15-20... Through the Authority given to ALL who believe by Jesus of The Kingdom of Heaven and the Holy Spirit we are a deliverance and healing Church as Jesus commanded His Church Body to be... We are striving to be as the Church that began through the Apostles and early believers, when they all first became known as Christians because they lived in the ways of Christ. As we live in this world but not of it... On this channel we share our messages, teachings, deliverance and healing. In order to bring this dark and evil world into the Light of Jesus Christ and to set the captives free demonic influences and afflictions... To Christ Jesus be the Glory... #deliveranceminstry #setfreefromevilspirits #healingministry #fullgospel Join us live each Sunday morning at 10:00 AM on
I started this channel because i was having my comments censored on Youtube. I will be making content about News, Politics, History, Gaming and anything else i find interesting or crazy.
MTG Casual Commander is a series of Magic the Gathering games between 15 individuals balanced across 5 teams battling for specific titles and achievements. Who will win it all? Tune in and stick around to find out.
Gun Reviews
Hellu! I'm a gamer who likes building, space, medieval, anime and much more. In which this channel will reflect. I'm part of a clan for the game Mount and blade Warband, and we are called Jomsborg. And currently we got Deluge on Tuesday, and a voted mod for the weekends. I try to attend them and stream it.
A channel that reports on the news in Newark New Jersey. It is a place where we speak the truth back by verified sources.
Predictive Programming is the theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events. This was first described and proposed by researcher Alan Watt who defines Predictive programming as “Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.” (Wood) Then it was popularized by Alex Jones and David Icke. The most notable cases of predictive programing are the examples found in the Simpsons, The Dark Night Rises, The Hunger Games, and the oldest being from Futility. Information can be found on blog posts and many conspiracy theorists have either made videos on it or have spoken on the subject.
All contributions were created by M & M Consult UG (haftungsbeschränkt) for the purpose of investor information. The contributions do not represent a recommendation to buy or sell the discussed companies or a recommendation to use the service of the presented company and it is pointed out that M & M Consult UG (haftungsbeschränkt) does not assume any liability for possible financial losses. Every investment is risky up to a possible total loss and every viewer/listener is responsible for his own investment decisions. Consult your investment advisor.
Videos for Republicans in Wayne County West Virginia
Two Post-College Zoomers discuss the things that matter. Gaming, live-streaming and podcast.
This channel will facilitate various spiritual trainings for the equipping of the body of Christ. These trainings will help you expand your understanding of hearing God\'s voice for yourself and others, gifts of the spirit, prayer, healing, and more. You will develop your prophetic gift, experience God\'s love, new developments, and blessings as you participate and learn through scripture, exercises, and assignments. Note that this channel will mostly focus on prayer and the prophetic.
Hosted by: Jersey Joe
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