Hillbilly Hearthstone


Sinners Welcome Here! Look, it's no secret that life kicks you in the fruits a lot. Most of it is caused by our own stupid decisions, but there is a cleaner and quicker way through it. It begins and ends with Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the beloved son of our Father in Heaven. Take some time to hear a few of my stories, ask some questions I'm a real person just like you, and though I don't have all the answers, I do know that Jesus is the only way to the Father. He is the key to salvation. Seek Jesus. I'll do my best to help.



The Capstone Presentation celebrates the culmination of a student's educational journey at PEP through Humanities Core F. At the beginning of their senior year, students select a relevant topic they are passionate about in our world and society. They spend the year researching the topic while cultivating their skills in rhetoric in preparation for the capstone speech. It is a 20 minutes presentation of their research using their rhetorical skills of style, memory, and delivery.