Everything Is Energy - Take Control of It Today


🌟 Welcome to Everything Is Energy - Take Control of It Today! 🌟 Have you ever felt that there's more to life than meets the eye? Are you looking for ways to harness your inner power to create a life you've always dreamed of? You've come to the right place. "Everything Is Energy" is your sanctuary for deepening your understanding of the energy that makes up our universe—and how to master it. 🌿 What We Offer: Manifestation Mondays: Dive deep into the science and spirituality of manifestation. Learn the practical techniques and watch your life transform. Mindful Meditations: Quiet your mind, embrace your inner calm, and reach states of profound peace. Hemi-Sync Journeys: Utilize binaural beat technologies to synchronize your brainwaves, unlock untapped potential, and explore new dimensions of consciousness. ✨ Why Subscribe? Gain access to exclusive content tailored for spiritual growth. Step-by-step guides and workshops to master the principles behind manifestation, meditation, and hemi-sync. Join a like-minded community that supports and inspires each other's journeys. 📌 Our Mission: We aim to empower you to take control of your energy and, by extension, your life. With content grounded in scientific research, spiritual teachings, and experiential wisdom, we're here to guide you every step of the way. 🔔 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and hit the BELL icon to stay updated!

Rafael Di Furia - Not Your Average Globetrotter Verified


I'm an Italian/American guy living in portugal after 5 years full-time in Italy. Just taking life one day at a time and enjoying every moment... Not quite your average globetrotter ;) Not Your Average Globetrotter (NYAG) is a series made up of video podcasts and travel vlogs for both expats and globetrotting explorers traveling around the world. Moving abroad is quite an undertaking, I wanted to share information and experiences with others in hopes of helping people to avoid a difficult transition into life abroad.



Raw Patrol brings you unfiltered access to police body cam footage, offering a transparent view into law enforcement activities. Witness real-life encounters, understand the challenges faced by officers, and gain insights into the complex situations they navigate daily." "Our content is carefully curated to educate and inform viewers about the dynamics of law enforcement without sensationalism. Subscribe to stay informed and engage in a deeper understanding of policing in today's world subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com/@RawPatrolCam FOLLOW US ON X/TWITTER: https://x.com/RawPatrolCam

No-Ordinary Stalking and Electronic Harassment


This is a channel dedicated to Targeted Individuals who are victims of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment. My name is Andrea and I have been a Target Individual since 2002. My channel aims to intercept all those Targeted Individuals who are stuck in Organized Stalking and, through my content, help them wade beyond the movie they are living, a movie full of extras and full of twists. It is very important that the channel is supported through small actions, therefore your SUBSCRIPTION, a LIKE, or even comments are appreciated. As I said, comments are welcome, if constructive, if not, I'll just delete them without any admonition.

Mindfulness po polsku


Słowa, których używamy na co dzień, mają na nas ogromny wpływ – język kształtuje nasze relacje z ludźmi i rzeczami. Niby oczywiste, ale tak długo, jak pamiętamy o tym, gdy myślimy o komunikacji z innymi, zapominamy o tym, gdy prowadzimy wewnętrzny monolog. Jednak sposób, w jaki rozmawiamy ze sobą, może również kształtować naszą miłość do siebie. Czy pozwoliłbyś komuś innemu mówić do ciebie tak, jak ty mówisz do siebie? Dokładnie… W takim razie zadbaj o to, co sobie mówisz. Oczywiście budowanie zdrowej samooceny i pewności siebie wymaga czegoś więcej niż słów 🙂. Ale to, co mówimy sobie, może mieć znaczenie, co potwierdza wiele badań. Mówienie do siebie to jedna z najbardziej naturalnych, ale niedocenianych umiejętności, jakie posiadamy. Twoja wewnętrzna mowa może stymulować autorefleksję, zwiększać motywację i łączyć Cię z emocjami. Badania kanadyjskiego profesora Alaina Morina pokazują, że istnieje silny związek między częstszym rozmawianiem ze sobą a wyższą samoświadomością.