Unlock your full potential with the power of music - Frequency for Mental & Physical Vitality


Experience the power of music like never before! Our sessions are designed to stimulate both your brain and body, providing you with the highest quality listening pleasure and effectiveness. This music is not just for relaxation, it's a transformative experience. With highly effective frequencies such as binaural beats, isochronal beats, monaural beats, trilateral beats, and others, you'll feel a direct positive effect on your brain and cells. Whether you're learning, sleeping, meditating, or simply relaxing, our music is perfect for you. It's an essential tool for your well-being, promoting healing, wellness, and inspiration. So let the music guide you to a better, healthier you!

Gastronomy training for professionals


Gastronomy Essentials Ltd. is a company which provides high-level training for Chefs, cooks, Pastry Chefs and Touristic personnel enterprises. Each year organizes some of the best training in the field in S.Eastern Europe which attracts professionals from all over the world. Many training are in English language throughout the year for the foreign chefs and pastry chefs to attend. Best period for these training is September - May. You can follow all upcoming training via www.cucina.gr Internal training to : - Hotels - Restaurants - Caterings is available by tailor-made programs, to the need of the client. Central offices : Gastronomy Essentials Ltd. Acropoleos 93, Vasileia Court, Office 103 7101 Aradippou Cyprus Contact tel. : +30 6972444820 Person to contact : Harry Haralambidis

Nostalgia Animada


**Bem-vindos ao Nostalgia Animada!** Prepare-se para uma viagem no tempo, onde as e as histórias encantadoras ganham vida novamente! Aqui no nosso canal, resgatamos os desenhos animados que marcaram gerações, trazendo de volta as risadas, as aventuras e as lições que nos acompanharam na infância. 🌟 **O que você encontrará aqui?** 🌟 - **Clássicos Inesquecíveis:** Acompanhe episódios e trechos dos seus desenhos favoritos, desde os icônicos da Hanna-Barbera até as obras-primas da Disney e muito conhecimentos sobre os personagens e enredos que marcaram sua infância. Se você é apaixonado por animações e deseja reviver os melhores momentos da sua infância, inscreva-se no nosso canal e ative as notificações para não perder nenhuma novidade. Traga seu coração nostálgico e vamos celebrar juntos o maravilhoso mundo dos desenhos animados antigos! **Nostalgia Animada: Onde a magia da animação nunca envelhece!** ---



Aborda temas relacionados à religião e política, tendo como principal foco a crítica ao comunismo e ao “marxismo cultural”. Estão aqui opiniões, análises e críticas em relação a determinados temas, como aborto, ideologia de gênero, corrupção, entre outros. Com uma posição conservadora e religiosa, valorizando a família e a defesa dos princípios cristãos, com uma forte posição contra o comunismo. Voltado para um público conservador e religioso, que se opõe a determinadas ideologias políticas e defende valores tradicionais.

Alvin Plantinga's Epistemology


Some things can be known without relying on evidence from other things we know. Those are the properly basic beliefs (PBBs). All evidence has to come from somewhere, and PBBs are where it comes from. Not just any belief can be a PBB. It has to be one we can know in some way other than through evidence from other things we know. And — surprise! — Alvin Plantinga thinks belief in G-d can be a PBB. But how do we know which things can be in the category of PBBs? Plantinga borrows from Roderick Chisholm‘s advice for figuring out something like this: First, make a nice list of beliefs we know fit into a particular category of beliefs; next, carefully look at the beliefs in that list to figure out a criterion for beliefs in that category; finally, use that criterion to see whatever other beliefs might fit into that category. Plantinga gets his list of PPBs from common-sense beliefs, drawing from Thomas Reid. Then there’s some inductive logic to get to the criterion. (Hint: It involves properly functioning faculties!) And then there’s an explanation of why Plantinga thinks Christian belief meets that criterion. It took Plantinga more than three decades and well over a thousand pages to do all this. But he eventually did it, and it’s some pretty awesome philosophy.