"These funny videos will leave you gasping for air! You won't believe your eyes!"


"Prepare for an unforgettable laughter experience with our side-splitting collection of funny videos! Brace yourself for an uproarious ride as we bring you a compilation of the funniest moments caught on camera. From hilarious pranks to outrageous fails and comical animal shenanigans, these videos are guaranteed to have you laughing uncontrollably. Don't miss out on the belly-aching laughter - click now to indulge in a hilarious adventure that will leave you gasping for air! Get ready to LOL like never before!"

Jokerface Airsoft


Description Hey guys and gals, My name is Jokerface "the airsoft noob" :) and I am giving everyone Airsoft from a NOOBS perspective and adding a little humor on top. If you like airsoft guns or just like airsoft in general, you have clicked on the right place , my friends. I will be giving you airsoft reviews, airsoft guns, airsoft gear and some airsoft game play at some airsoft near me fields. I'm not really an airsoft sniper kind of guy but maybe I'll change my mind in the future! ;) Was geht liebe Airsoft Freunde, mein Name ist Jokerface "the airsoft noob" und ich werde euch Airsoft von einem noob Perspektive bringen. Wenn ihr Airsoft mögt und im Airsoft Verzeichnis seid dann meldet euch ruhig bei mir und meinem Team 0scar6ix9ine. Ich werde euch Airsoft Waffen präsentieren 24 Stunden lang ....hahaha , wenn ich dass nur könnte. Also macht's gut und wir sehen uns vielleicht irgendwann :) Bis bald!!!

Muzzle First


At Muzzle First our goal is to make fun, information and educational videos for the firearms and outdoors enthusiast. We do product reviews, shooting videos, educational videos, how-to videos and other activities that interest me. I am a life member of the NRA and believe anyone who owns a firearm should be also. I believe in our god given rights and freedoms. I believe the Bill of Rights and The Constitution of The United States of America is the law of the land. The Bill of Rights and The Constitution of The United States is all that stands between us and tyranny. Without the Bill of Rights there is no Constitution. Without the Constitution there is no United States of America. Protect what is yours, protect what god gave, and let no man or government stand between you and your freedom! God made you free, only you can relinquish that freedom. "But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams