Dino & Alien Anime


Dino & Alien Anime , é um canal voltado para animação 2d e 3d sobre Dinossauros, alienígenas, e outros seres misteriosos e mágicos, como fadas, elfos, gnomos, anjos e outros... -------------------------- Dino & Alien Anime , is a channel dedicated to 2d and 3d animation about Dinosaurs, aliens, and other mysterious and magical beings, such as fairies, elves, gnomes, angels and others... ------------------------ #DinoAnime, #dinossauro, #dinossaurorex,#alienígena, #Pterossauro, #animaisselvagens, #animais,#fadas, #elfos,#anjos,#gnomos,fadas, elfos, gnomos, anjos, alienígena, Dinossauros,#DinoAnime, #dinosaur, #dinosaurex,#alien, #pterosaur, #wild animals, #animals,#fairies, #elves,#angels,#gnomes, fairies, elves, gnomes, angels, alien, dinosaurs,



Folow Trim and Head while they 'road trip' across the lower 48 bringing you to exciting and interesting destinations along the way. From our National Parks to State High Points, you'll be hit with some awe-inspiring views! Hauntings, UFOs, and cryptozoology, yup, we've seen some things! Roadside Oddities and Abandoned Places...got em' covered! Goofy, in-depth clips highlight little known destinations on the back roads of America. If you have the travel bug, we are the cure! Get off the beaten path and explore your nation with XploreNation