The Mouseion - The Professor Wingert Podcast


Michael Wingert is the dean of Agora University's Holy Transfiguration College and professor of semitics, scripture, and Near Eastern languages and cultures. Dr. Wingert’s research focuses on ancient medicine, Semitic scriptural literature, the linguistic and philological background to Semitic languages in contact with neighboring speech communities, Northwest Semitic epigraphy, the philosophy of language, and ancient Near Eastern religions. This channel supports videos of his podcasts as well as lectures from his classes and invited talks. Visit his newsletter at Substack ( If you benefit from any of the material presented on this channel, consider making a monthly or one time tax-deductible donation to Agora University:



At LolousHouse We share our love for God and Natural Wellness. We are Children of Elohim - Fearless Freedom Warriors who are given skillsets as voice & natural wellness coaches & healers, ministry leaders, authors, singers, musicians, creators, composers, prayer warriors, gardeners, gamers and cook from scratch people, so as you see the list is evolving and endless of people gathering together for such a time as this, perfectly orchestrated and guided by Elohim - We are We The People We are learning to work from our hearts at the same time as we inspire and coach others to do the same. One thing that differs us a little is the way we love. We are not somehow special or more deserving and we are not here to "fit in". We are here to find a new way and finally share our special areas of interest in spaces where we are free to do so. At LolousHouse we are learning daily to live better lives together the way it was meant to be lived ❤️ a start of something beautiful for ages to come, for our children and future generations to know that there was a group of people who fearlessly rose up and said yes to the calling and changed our daily lives one person, one family and one community at a time. We have so much more to discover together. <3 for “The earth belongs to יהוה, and all that fills it.” - Qorintiyim Aleph 10:26 (1 Corinthians, TS2009) I have strength to do all, through Messiah who empowers me. - Pilipiyim 4:13 (Philippians, TS2009)

The Serenity House


Success in our lives begins with a calm mind that is at peace and focused on its purpose. Achieving the foundation for that ready state of being can often be a challenge in today's busy and stressful way of life. Whether it be restful sleep, calming white noise, soothing mantras, meditative tones, or affirming chants, at The Serenity House, it is our wish to help you achieve this state of mind daily so that your spirit is equipped to face the trials of the day with a clarity of purpose that will facilitate success in all of your endeavors.