108morris108 archive


A partial archive of Maurice Herman, aka 108morris108's YouTube videos. The only metadata I have available is the video title and the original upload date - Maurice's descriptions were not archived. Morris passed away in June(?) of 2019. Morris has a bitchute channel (https://www.bitchute.com/channel/108morris108/) with 90 videos. This channel is intended to provide an archive of the videos not available on bitchute. No rights claimed, nor reserved. This channel is intended to honour the work of Morris and to be a (relatively) complete archive of his work. Rest in peace, kind sir.

The Arcade


Welcome to the one of the amazing retro channels also known as "The Arcade"! My name is Fartahcus aka Farty Shark, and I'm the one guy with that pervy humor that everyone just has to love. I cuss, I crack jokes, I got a foul mouth, I'm ol' skool, and that's just the way I like it. We do anything from retro games, to newer games, talking, cooking, and goofballing around with the motto: "We all have an opinion, so lets respect eachothers, if we can't seem eye to eye for something, we agree to disagree and move on." Enjoy your mothaluvin' stay!