Anxious Ant


Welcome to This Crazy Little Circus we call life! 🤡 In this dark hidden space, we chat about all the GOSS in entertainment and Deep Dive into real life TRUE CRIME!!! 🚨 We don't believe in Cancel Culture and believe everyone's opinion is valid as long as it is discussed in a kind manner. We rather people feel free to converse than conform. We are TWO AUSSIE COUSINS We are completely the opposite to one another and sometimes we get HEATED 🔥 and when we say SOMETIMES, we mean ALOT ha ha!!!! 🔥😉 Don’t be afraid if your opinion is an UNPOPULAR one as most often than not, our OPINION isn’t the most popular either. JODIELEE and MARZI TAKE it EASY and if it is EASY, Take it HOME haha 😉 Email us for collabs or to RAT on someone with the Goss