Yoga Workout with Mirra


Hello, my Rumble family! My name is Mirra and welcome to my channel. I am very happy to see you here! I am open minded and a versatile girl, so yoga, stretching and workouts are my passion. Each day, I will share a different workout routine with you. I will assure you that you will discover content on my channel to suit your taste and personal level of expertise. Let us begin and stretch together. If you like, we can do a burning, more intense workout as well. But if you are not ready for that, you can watch my videos and relax. I hope my Rumble channel will motivate and awaken your desire to become a better version of you! We will create a beautiful community that is Moving together where we can build a better inside, outside, sporty and positive version of yourself with me!



「末有說坊」是 『雲聚訣』 基督教事工的其中一個項目,為大家帶來一些與末世相關新聞、話題和福音信息,使大家知道耶穌基督迎接教會 (教會被提) 的時間已極近,而那「叛逆之子」敵基督亦正蠢蠢欲動要統治全球! - 『雲聚訣』 (Harpazo Vale) 是一非牟利、不屬任何教派的基督教事工,延續早期 (2008年) 成立的「雲聚社」精神,由創辦人聚雲於2020年成立 - 透過不同媒介把聖經真理、末世信息和耶穌基督的福音帶到世界不同角落;並讓人們認識耶穌基督快來迎接教會(教會被提)這重要真理 - 教會被提在即,亦是隨時性的;藉著耶穌基督的預言與世界局勢作出比較後,我們信徒應知道這日子已經極近;隨之而來的是「雅各遭災的時候」即七年大災難、耶穌再來、千禧年、白色大寶座審判、最後是新天新地! 想接受並相信耶穌基督 想認識更多基督信仰 『雲聚訣』 - TG 『雲聚訣』 - TG 討論區 『雲聚訣』 - FB 『雲聚訣』 — 聯絡

Organic Gardening, Homesteading & Woodworking


Happy to see all of you here! We're excited with the launch of our new channel and hope to help you with all things organic gardening, homesteading and woodworking! I'm Luke and I have been wanting to make some videos to help others be successful gardeners, homesteaders and woodworkers. Together with my wife, our family, and my father and his, we hope our videos are a blessing to you as you learn how we put food on our table, take care of our homesteads and do some woodworking projects together! Check out the world's largest tomato that my dad grew! Subscribe to be notified when our next video is published! Remember, Jesus loves you! Links Support Us On Patreon!