Women Impacting The Nation Verified


The mission of Women Impacting the Nation is to educate and equip women and men with knowledge of God’s truth about issues that impact our faith, family and freedoms, and to support those who take a stand for those Judeo-Christian values upon which our country is founded. Sue Trombino, President/Founder - founded Women Impacting the Nation (W.I.N.) in the fall of 2005 because she felt called to make a difference. Her passion for empowering people with God’s truth and her strong love of America are the principles on which the foundation of W.I.N. is built. Both are the driving force behind Sue’s tireless passion to make a difference. It is her passion to embolden every Christian and American to get involved in saving the moral compass of America. You will often hear Sue ask “What does God say?” #TalkTruth #TakeAction #WIN #WINTalkRadio #WINTalks #WINPrayerPraisePasta Learn more here: https://womenimpactingthenation.org/ Contact us: win@womenimpactingthenation.org

The Mars Cafe Cartoon Show


Follow the amazing adventures of Sheriff Bill, Emory Bunny, and Space-Byron as they bring Law & Order to the frontier city of Cabeza... on planet Mars! Thanks for stopping in! This channel presents all canonical Phase-3 content--full episodes, extented sequences, and bonus content--in correct viewing order. Videos will post twice per week until mid-November '24, which will close out the Phase-3 narrative. From the brochure: "All modern Martian history revolves around Space-Byron's Simulation Experiment, plus its causes and after-effects, and therefore everyone in the Quantum Maxi-verse exists in a five-dimensional state of Simulation Anxiety." Those who do not learn from the history of The Mars Cafe Cartoon Show are doomed to repeat The Mars Cafe Cartoon Show. Forever. For Phase-1 and Phase-2 content, previous to Episode #37, please visit the sister channel, SimulationAnxiety: "The Mars Cafe Web Vacuum" For special bonus material, tangential garbage, and the [eventual] launch of Phase-4, please go to the channel titled PickleFrolic: "The Mars Cafe World Phone".

Technology Reviews, Tips, and PC Builds


Jon started building computers and PC gaming as a young kid. He started his first computer business in 1995 while still in high school, selling custom-built computers to doctors in the 386/486 days. He would go to LAN parties where they would setup an adhoc 10 Mbps network to play Doom, Quake, Tribes - and whatever else could be downloaded on a 28.8k modem at the time. He went on to be one of the founding employees at the first private internet service provider in his rural area. He taught people how to use computers and early internet browsing on the radio as “The Net Guy” in the late 1990s. After a 20-year hiatus, in early 2019, he resurrected “The Net Guy” brand and began producing helpful YouTube technology videos and technology product reviews. He resides in the Pacific Northwest and must share his fiber internet feed with his five kids.