Tips, tricks and insights for navigating and understanding VAERS data
Vídeos do Lord Pimpão de Catanduva SP, Brasil.
Dogs, Cat, and Pets TV is where children and fun lovers can have access to funny dogs, cats, and other pets videos. it is where you relax after the days job to rest and have a restful mind
👋 Hi, Myself Ameer Mavvia. I'm a professional 3d modeling artist. I make my videos with Unity 3d and Blender software. On this channel, you can see size, speed, price and other comparison videos. My videos are for entertainment purposes only. Figures and facts at the time of creating the video and watching it - may be strikingly different. Everything is purely individual. Don't forget about this. All the videos are created by myself. Copying without permission - is prohibited. Software that I use: Unity 3d, Blender, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop. 💻 My PC Specifications: CPU: Proc: Core i5, 12900KF, 2.4 GHz Video: GeForce RTX 3080, 12 GB RAM: 32 GB Storage: 1000 GB Please like and subscribe If you like it. Thank you.
Posting the better versions of my yt vids here
NASA's mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. To do that, thousands of people have been working around the world and in space for more than 50 years, trying to answer some basic questions. What's out there in space? How do we get there? What will we find? What can we learn there -- or learn just by trying to get there -- that will make life better here on Earth?
Cute Cat vids 🥰🥰
Preparação espiritual e das coisas naturais, para o agora e o por vir ! Palavra de fé e perseverança, convite a reflexão, artes para edificar, noticias atuais, bate papo em comunhão. Vídeos novos toda semana. Olá, seja bem vindo(a). Eu sou o VIGATA, Missionário de Cristo l Multiartista l Designer Criativo l Legendador De Vídeos Não vivam consumidos pelas preocupações sobre coisa alguma; em vez disso, orem a Deus pedindo aquilo de que precisam e não esqueça de lhe agradecer por tudo que ele já fez. Então vocês experimentarão a paz de Deus, que excede todo entendimento e que guardará seu coração e sua mente em Cristo Jesus. Filipenses 4:6-7
Herzlich Willkommen bei AURA TARA, mein Name ist Nadja, ich bin ein Kristallkind, eine Sternensaat. Ich biete mediale Beratung und Energiearbeit im Sinne der Selbstliebe und Lichtkörperheilung an. Ich bin hochsensibel, feinfühlig, hellsichtig, bin verbunden mit den Engelreichen, den Natur-Wesen, mit Vater Universum, und Mutter Erde. Ich möchte dich gerne ein Stück begleiten, dich für das Wesen der feinstofflichen Welten sensibilisieren, und dir dabei helfen, deine weiblich-intuitiven Kräfte zu erwecken um dich wieder mit deiner wahren Natur zu verbinden. Für eine geerdete Spiritualität, um deinen wahren Platz in der Welt einzunehmen. Hast du Lust, mit den Walen zu schwimmen, dich mit den Engeln und Lichtwesen zu verbinden? Du suchst Kontakt zu deiner Seele, deinem Hohen Selbst? Du möchtest deine spirituelle Berufung finden, deine Seelenfamilie finden? Kontaktiere mich gerne via E-Mail unter Viele lichtvolle Grüße sendet dir Nadja
Produção musical e live looping.
Welcome to "Useless Data," where we celebrate the delightfully obscure and the wonderfully weird! Dive into a world where knowledge isn't about utility but pure entertainment. Here, we explore the corners of history, science, and culture filled with facts so random, so odd, they'll make your brain do a double-take. Whether it's the story behind the shortest war in history or the science of why cats always land on their feet, we've got the trivia that no one asked for but everyone will love. Join us on this journey through the bizarre, the forgotten, and the utterly useless, because sometimes, knowing the most random things is the best kind of knowledge. Subscribe to "Useless Data" for your daily dose of quirky, fun, and absolutely non-essential information!
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