Baked Linguini's Home Channel Verified


People mistake me as the guy from the Disney movie, "Ratatouille." Unfortunately, I am not that guy or else I'd probably be swimming in Disney money right now. I'm just your average white guy who doesn't have a life. Streaming is just something I like to do for fun. Not sure exactly what to do on stream. Up to trying a variety of options, except for hot tubs. Come watch me make a fool of myself on stream. We all need a good laugh at times. Check out my socials.



Just a normal guy that took Genesis 40:8; Joel 2:28 and John 14:16-18 seriously because of a repetitive premonition that also plagued other Christians, even famous ones like Perry Stone and Dr. Thomas Horn. If this cataclysm that myself and others saw does occur, then know the reason for this was the millions of human (flesh and blood) abuses, and hybridization programs happening above and below the surface of the Earth. Everyone (you too) were directly or indirectly involved. Research adrenochrome and DUMBs. You were either willingly paying attention or not. You were either knowingly or unknowingly funding 'them'. Uploading my videos resulted in me losing everything twice. 300 +/- Sleep paralysis / poltergeist attacks and 7 UAP related incidents that involved at least two malevolent abductions (that I know of). As of 13 April 2023 I am still getting massive visions of Tsunamis and a destroyed Moon. Maranatha!

Mr. M Lifestyle


Welcome To My Lifestyle. Inspiring Others To Start Living Their Ideal Lifestyle On Their Own Terms In The Modern World. I help corporate professionals transform their lives to the path of self-actualization. Welcome to my channel in which I share my views and opinions through an honest lens based on my experiences. I also showcase the lifestyle I live to practice what I preach. I make weekly videos from a wide range of topics on overall men's self improvement in which I am passionate about. Having worked in the corporate world for a number of years, I help professionals achieve what they truly want out of life. Therefore, my goal is to help others live a more fulfilled life ideal to their own standards, rather than what society and others tell them so. So, if you are on a journey to continuous self-improvement, then this channel is for you.

Channel 33 Verified


A show about strange history, aliens, conspiracy theories, the paranormal and more. Starring Paul "Starship" Alves and Ryan The Rye Bread Support our work: Upcoming Episodes: Episode 1 - The One About Dragons Episode 2 - The One About Elon Musk's Master Plan Episode 3 - The One About Operation Northwoods Episode 4 - The One About Fatima Episode 5 - The One About Flying Saucers Episode 6 - The One About The Flat Earth Being Nonsense