TheDiamondKingPodcast: Jewelry, Gems, Diamonds, and Precious Metal MFG


The Diamond King PodCast brings local business owners and clients of Deboscq Jewlery into the studio to chat with Aaron about a wide variety of topics. With 22 years of jewelry making experience Aaron Capdeboscq has created breathtaking creations for jewelry enthusiasts all over Louisiana and beyond. From beautiful colored gemstone creations to intricate diamond engagement rings, his creative works of art have adorned countless members of the Mandeville community over the years. Head on over to our website to see inventory and for any inquiries. #jewelry #manufacturing #podcast



⚡ Un canale per chi vuole conoscere la VERITÀ sul clima. Le persone si trovano sempre più spesso di fronte ad anomalie naturali. I media mondiali tacciono sulle dimensioni della catastrofe imminente. Su questo canale tratteremo i più grandi cataclismi, causati da processi astronomici e dalla loro natura ciclica di 12.000 anni. ✅ Informazioni climatiche affidabili ✅ Testimoni oculari di disastri naturali ✅ Sincronizzazione dei cataclismi ✅ Progressione degli eventi climatici ✅ Statistiche e analisi ✅ Le vere cause del cambiamento climatico ✅ Le vie d'uscita dalla crisi climatica Se sei stato testimone di anomalie climatiche, invia i tuoi video a

Centrum Medyczne Vis Vitalis TV


Centrum Medyczne Vis Vitalis świadczy usługi z zakresu medycyny komplementarnej (integracyjnej, regulacyjnej, holistycznej). Pomagamy w różnych chorobach przewlekłych i zakaźnych, w tym w problemach sercowo-naczyniowych (kardiologicznych), neurologicznych, hormonalnych (endokrynologicznych), układu pokarmowego (gastroenterologicznych), kostno-stawowych, autoimmunizacyjnych (autoimmunologicznych), psychicznych (zaburzeniach psychicznych), ginekologicznych ( problemy z płodnością, z miesiączkowaniem), nowotworowych (onkologicznych), metabolicznych ( cukrzyca, otyłość), dziecięcych (pediatrycznych), zakaźnych (mikrobiologicznych i parazytologicznych/pasożyty)... Serdecznie zapraszamy -->

Augusta Precious Metals


Augusta Precious Metals is known as a leader in the retirement community and provider of physical gold and silver IRAs in retirement portfolios. Award-winning Augusta stays with customers through the life of their gold and silver portfolios and serves them with transparency and simplicity. The company specializes in educating and empowering consumers to use precious metals to diversify hard-earned retirement savings. Hall of fame quarterback Joe Montana's advisors deemed Augusta "best gold company in the U.S." He’s now a customer and the company's corporate ambassador. Augusta earned an A-plus rating from the BBB, AAA from Business Consumer Alliance, and “Best of” 4 years in a row from TrustLink. named Augusta “Most Trusted” in the U.S. Watch helpful educational videos here by Augusta's director of education, Devlyn Steele, also a member of the Harvard Business School graduate analytics program. Read reviews at